Items: Weapons Mon 1st, Ward Card, Occult Fan IV, Combat King 004. The plan: When the Lunatic Pandora passes Esthar, you will hop on and have a look at things. Remove this ad - Subscribe to Premium. Fortunately, not all your options here are the subject of future gains. Arriving in Esthar and traveling through the city to find a barrage of items before traveling to the Lunar Gate. As you can see, this isn’t a good way to make money. Leave the palace again and exit to the right, then use the lift and pick the option Via the Shopping Mall and opt to Get off when prompted. At the top of every page of my Final Fantasy 8 Walkthrough I will have a list of the most important GF Abilities for you to learn as well as my personal preference for who to junction GFs to for this part of the story. Once you have Aura spells you’ll be pleased to find that it junctions well into HP-J (5th), Str-J (3rd) and Hit-J (3rd), but it’s arguably a spell best used for casting, as the Aura spell will allow an affected character to use their limit break at any time, regardless of their HP. You should find yourself out on the world map, over which the city of Esthar sprawls. Frames bugging you? Information on how to acquire each GF and a discussion of their abilities, including where to assign them. Shortly after waking up, Squall and company will be met by a Presidential Aide from Esthar, who will drive you to Presidential Palace. Walkthrough - Disc 3 Esthar. Use the following map and screenshots in order to navigate Esthar City. There’s really no good reason not to have them by now. Acquiring Doomtrain¶. Should the stars align and Rinoa go back to her insufferable self, the Angelo Search trick will be discussed in greater detail, but until then, just keep it in the back of your mind. - Area 8 (between 3 to 0 minutes) Since you are using the strategy guide lets not fiddle around – make your way to Area (15), which is the first contact point, right now. To the left is a doorway which you do not have access to yet, so head to the right and ride the floating platform. If money was an issue before, it shouldn’t be anymore, as it’s trivial to raise millions of Gil with this method, which is good, because there are some other combos that can get pretty costly. Karen’s Shop - aka the Esthar Book Store, as it’s listed under the Call Shop option - is pretty straight-forward in that it sells you a variety of books. If you want to teach more GFs this ability, by all means, refine the Ward card; you should only need one, as both the Brothers and Diablos GFs can learn it natively, and you’ll find a Gaea’s Ring shortly, but it’s your call. Go up a screen and use the Lifter to get to Odine's Laboratory. Not that you really need most of them - Zell’s basic limits are easier to spam than his higher-end ones, you don’t actually needs the “Weapons Mon” magazines to make the weapons showcased within, nor do you need Occult Fan to acquire the GF they sensationalize. When that’s done, exit back to the right until you return to the lift hub near the shopping mall, then exit the city by heading down. Final Fantasy VIII. The Stat+40% items - Giant’s Ring, Power Wrist, Force Armlet and Hypno Crown - are also a case of delayed gratification. ... which is largely the same as it was at the start of disc 2. To add to this and to be more specific, you are looking to speak with the Presidential Aide who will tell you that he is on break and he will ask you how you are enjoying the city. Go up the stairs and left a few screens to be able to save your game. Just make sure not to spread Centra rules to this region by declining the game every time the Dr. says “Zat iz a rule unfamiliar to zis region. When you finally come to a stop, exit via a path at the bottom of the screen to reach an exit to the city - just get on the elevator and you’ll find yourself on the world map where you can save your game. Next turn your attention to Johnny’s Shop, which, like most item shops sells a variety of restoratives. Head over to the Presidential Palace again (or hop on the floating platform for a shortcut) and go inside. It’s really a series of clues that’ll help you acquire an obscure GF, although it’s fairly obtuse. Make your way to the top level of Area (14) on the map. Here is Part 7 … Pilot the Ragnarok to Esthar and go to the Sorceress Memorial (southwest of Lunar Gate). The right face is also strong (7) although not insurmountably so. For Final Fantasy VIII on the PlayStation, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "FF8 Sequence Breaking - Get to Esthar in Disc 2 (theory) and more!" Aura magic is one of the most incredibly powerful magics in the game. Getting your hands on a third Rosetta Stone without the convenience of the D-District Prison requires a bit of effort, but we’ll cross that bridge when the time comes. As the scan defines it, Iron Giant's attacks are limited to using its sword. By following this guide you can aspire to the following: By continuing you confirm you have read and agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy/Cookie Policy. sells some higher-end restoratives that others don’t. DISC THREE. Lunatic Pandora 8. Looks like an ecological disaster… Oh well, bring up the large world map and you should notice five new map markers on the continent of Esthar - Esthar/Airstation (which you’re just south of), Lunatic Pandora Laboratory, Esthar Sorceress Memorial, Lunar Gate and Tear’s Point. Use the lift to Odine’s Laboratory, pick the option Via Airstation and when prompted during the ride, opt to Get off. Remove this ad - Subscribe to Premium. 2) Obtain [Combat King 004]:You do not actually receive [Combat King 004] now but in order to receive it later there are some steps you can take care of right now. Approach one of the stores and a store directory will pop up, allowing you to choose which store to grace with your commerce. Or at least, an item that allows you to acquire a new GF. These shops will still come in handy in the future, especially when you gain a certain refining ability… but more on that later. If you missed Pet Pals Vol.2 earlier, however, you might as well get it now. All other info for this section is based on the enemy being between Level's 30 and 100. The shops and the rewards they offer can be found below: Each store has a chance of giving you a gift when you visit. Say no every single time until he does not ask and then accept the game. The practical upshot of this is that you’ll be able to play them at any time on disc 4, and collectively the CC Group has access to all cards from Lv 1 - 7 save for the PuPu Card. Squall is a sadsack that he willing to do anything to see Rinoa. At this point you can challenge Dr. Odine to a cards in order to win the Ward Card. Previous Page(28) Laguna Dream Sequence:Lunatic Pandora Laboratory, Next Page (30) Lunar Gate / Tear’s Point / Lunatic Pandora. Note that areas 14 and 11 have upper platforms and lower platforms. Walkthrough/ Disc 3. The President of Esthar and Future Plans¶. A full list of this store’s inventory follows: Pet Pals Vol.5 will allow Angelo to learn the “Angelo Search” ability - your best bet for getting some rare items if you don’t have access to Chocobo World - and Pet Pals Vol.6 will teach “Wishing Star”. Finally, on the fifth screen talk to an Esthar Soldier standing on the bridge - he doesn’t have much to say right now, but talking to him now is, oddly enough, a prerequisite for future gains. *Disc 3 Spoilers*". Follow the exploits of Squall, a resident of Balamb Garden and SeeD aspirant whose first contract as a professional mercenary expands into a fight to save the world from an evil sorceress. 3) Shopping Mall Rewards (Rosetta Stone): Make your way over to the Shopping Mall area in between area 8 and area 9. We shall play with Centra’s rules and ours.” Say no. At this point in the game you can utilize the Infinite Gil trick (or cheat, depending on how you look at it). Information on Triple Triad, including the location of every card in the game and how to best use them. With all that out of the way, you can finally turn your attention elsewhere. (1 of 4) Visit the shops in Esthar repeatedly to obtain gifts, including a Rosetta Stone. Sudden acceleration and turns are facilitated by eruptions in the large output mechanism of the rear fuselage, while the finer adjustments of direction and altitude control are moderated via the upper fuselage. This fight should take 3 rounds maximum until Abadon goes down. Lunar Gate 5. Information on all characters, including stats and how to acquire all their weapons and limits. Back as Squall, watch the scenes. Enemies below level 30 may carry different magic and items. Esthar City 3. That’s a tasty 4,500G profit per Mega-Potion, constituting a significant increase in your rate of Gil accumulation. Our quest to 100% every Final Fantasy continues, starting with this as our first mainline game! There’s exploring to be done and cards to play, but first, why not find a Save Point? Speak to the person standing in front of the door and she will walk away revealing [Occult Fan IV]. Now that you have all four Occult Fan issues you can read them to gain some clues as to the mystery they’re obsessing over. Their stock is as follows: You should have found most of these while playing through the rest of the game, save for Combat Kings 004 and Combat Kings 005, which you haven’t had an opportunity to obtain yet. Lunar Base 6. In the pre-Tonberry days you’d have to suffer for a mere 1,000G profit for every Mega-Potion sold, but now the math is more favorable: Tent x4 = 3,000G (with Haggle) = 1 Mega-Potion (Recov Med-RF) = 7,500G (with Sell-High). Lunar Base uses terrible rules so it's a really difficult card to win, but with enough patience and perseverance you can do it. Click here to view the full screen version. Esthar (Part 2) and Lunatic Pandora (Part 1) - FF8 Guide At the top of every page of my Final Fantasy 8 Walkthrough I will have a list of the most important GF Abilities for you to learn as well as my personal preference for who to junction GFs to for this part of the story. It seems that Esthar is under threat. Just be aware that you do not need to re-enter the screen or re-enter the shops in order to get the item. Namely, Cheryl’s Store has the potential to give you a [Rosetta Stone] when you enter it. All this trouble was to provide you a safety net of sorts, as you’ll want to challenge Odine to a game of cards. Your goal is to make a profit by refining items into Mega-Potions, then selling them at a profit. Exit the room with Odine by heading down to reach a hallway, then exit to the right and ride a lift to exit the presidential palace. Here are the things you can and should do while in Esthar: 1) Obtain [Occult Fan IV]:Make your way to Area (3) near the Airstation and talk to the man in the white and blue robes speaking to the woman. This will set you back 45,000G. Now that we’ve discussed the most interesting thing you can do here, we might as well talk about the most obvious: refining some of this easily acquired medicine into higher-grade stuff. All around the city are floating pads that will transport you to various parts of the city. If you last played with a safe rule set, mix them and try to spread Open or abolish Elemental, otherwise decline Odine until he finally stops asking to mix rules and just plays with Esthar’s rules. On the world map itself, the blue skyways and large skyscrapers are visible. After some chatter you’ll finally be left to your own devices in the technological marvel that is Esthar. Esthar: Fixed encounters against Elnoyles. Speaking of Pet Pals, if you didn’t get Pet Pals Vol.3 and Pet Pals Vol.4 from the Timber Pet Shop… well, no reason you can’t use Call Shop to take care of that at any time. Here is how to get there from the Presidential Palace: Head left into Area (1), then left again into Area (2). For now there’s one more thing you can do in the city of Esthar if you want to get a trivial reward later… or you could just spend the 750G to buy Combat King 004 from Karen’s Shop - aka the Esthar Book Store and save yourself the bother. With the Ward Card secured, it’s time to go get some more treasures in Esthar. Exit to the right to reach another screen with a three-way split, but more importantly you’ll find another lift. Talk to the Esthar Soldier – all he will say is “Oh yeah. Go to Walkthrough Index Go to Disc 1 Go to Disc 2 Go to Disc 3 Go to Disc 4. Note: All prices listed assume you have Tonberry’s Haggle and Sell-High abilities and all store inventories listed assume you have Tonberry’s Familiar ability. It is a large armored monster that uses physical attacks and may appear in pairs. In fact, you’ll probably lose money upgrading medicine if you want to do this in any sort of timely manner. Use the lift, ride it back to the Presidential Palace and return to the interior to find a woman standing outside the room with Odine and Rinoa. A list of his goods follows: The most interesting thing this shop provides is a refinement to the infinite Gil process, which is largely the same as it was at the start of disc 2. What do Steel Pipes, Malboros, some “ST Full Recovery Medicine” and a “ring belonging to a royal family” that summons a GF if you have 666 items have to do with anything? Its appearance is similar to the boss Elvoret, except for the dull brown coloration. Laguna Flashback & Esthar (Part 1) - FF8 Guide. Still, it can’t hurt to build up stocks of Megalixirs and Mega-Phoenixes as a safety net, although it’s not really necessary, either. One of the easiest ways to get them is from a fixed Elnoyle fight in Esthar after the Lunar Cry, but that's close to the end of the third disc.You can also try collecting Elynoyle cards and modding them with Quezacotl's Card Mod ability, but that can be time consuming, considering you need 10 cards to make one Energy Crystal. A full crew includes the four positions of ship master, pilot, co-pilot (doubles as radio operator), and gunner, though i… Exploring Esthar City Complete walkthrough of the main questline. Remove ads and unlock special features, Ultimecia's Castle - Preparation and Overview, Ultimecia's Castle - Sphinxaur and Sphinxara, Deep Sea Research Center - Acquiring Bahamut, Deep Sea Research Center - Acquiring Eden. Esthar. In order to reach either the upper or lower platform you will have to approach the area from the appropriate side. In addition the guide will cover all side quests and will also include in-depth mini-guides for Chocobo World and Triple Triad. It is a notable enemy for the Energy Crystal item it yields, needed for making various ultimate weapons. 2. Talk to her and she’ll mention some books the president has been collecting before walking off. Approach the … If you didn’t get any of these from the prisoner in the D-District Prison… well, you now have one and can later acquire a GF with the Ability x4 ability, leaving you with one more to acquire. Use Ifrit's Ammo Refine ability to refine 2 Energy Crystal into 20 Pulse Ammos, luckily you only need 12. Eventually one of these babies is gonna drop an "Energy Crystal". It may take several (as in 50 or even 100) attempts to enter the store before you finally receive the item. Then head to the right into Area (15) and continue across Area (15) directly onto the top level of Area (14). Meeting the President of Esthar. You know, if Rinoa ever stops acting like a turnip. Sell all Mega-Potions. For Final Fantasy VIII on the PlayStation, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Malboros in Esthar? Edea's house and White SeeD Ship Esthar, the city of wonders ... Go to the control room, contact the base in Esthar and let Selphie fly you into safety. Great Salt Lake Esthar. 5] and [Pet Pals Vol. When you reach disc 4 the CC Group members should join you on the Ragnarok - assuming you’ve complete the CC Group quest beforehand, anyways. Go to Walkthrough Index Go to Disc 1 Go to Disc 2 Go to Disc 3 Go to Disc 4. Keep playing Odine until you win the Ward Card, which is one of the few Level 10 Player cards left for you to find. Players can only enter the central districts of the city close to the Presidential Palace by either landing on the airstation o… Do so, then head back north to the end of the road to enter Esthar again. You cannot reach the upper or lower platform from one another. With the Sell-High Ability (also Tonberry GF) you'll get a total of 562,000 Gil for selling the Mega-Potions. Board the Ragnarok again, fly to Esthar and enter the city (follow the roads until one terminates at the central, U-shaped building) and when you appear inside via the left, exit the screen to reach the hub … Your goal is to make a profit by refining items into Mega-Potions, then selling them at a profit. You can use Siren’s “Tool-RF” ability to refine each item into 10 Aura Stones and then you can use Leviathan’s “Supt Mag-RF” ability to refine Aura Stones into Aura magic. The Rosetta Stone is an incredibly powerful item that allows a Guardian Force you to learn “Abilityx4” allowing the player who equips that Guardian Force to utilize 4 abilities rather than 2 (the default) or 3 (which is an ability that some Guardian Forces naturally learn). Sorceress Memorial 7. Stock up on the best Junctions and Magic. Iron Giant is an enemy is Final Fantasy VIII. You’ll want to enter them all for two reasons - first, doing so will add the shop to Tonberry’s Call Shop ability, which is definitely worth-while considering what can be done with some of these shops… More on that shortly, but in the meantime the second reason is because some of these shops offer you a variety of gifts for visiting! Use the Unlimited Gil trick for money (GFAbl Med-RF) 100 Force Armlet: 10 Magic Armlet Purchase Force Armlets for 15,000 Gil each from Esthar … Squall will promise to leave Rinoa with Dr. Odine and the Doctor’s Aide and you can now wander around Esthar. You may also want to buy some Power Wrists and Hypno Crowns from Rinrin’s Store. If you missed any of these books before, or you just don’t feel like waiting for the next issues of Combat King, buy them now. But wait, there’s more! The Ward Card is a decent playing card, having two sides (top and left) that are proof to everything up to Level 7 Boss cards. The largest location in terms of size on the world map, Esthar City covers the entire western portion of the continent. Laguna Flashback & Esthar (Part 1) - FF8 Guide. Have been awaiting this one for quite sometime now! It should also be noted that some shops aren’t available at any given time, but this doesn’t seem to impede your chance of getting gifts, and even if the store isn’t open it’ll still be added to Tonberry’s Call Shop menu. Laguna Dream - Esthar Final Fantasy VIII. NOTE: Enemy HP is displayed Lowest Possible ~ Highest Possible. Getting the Ragnarok Back (Disc 4) - FF8 Guide ... Purchase Hypno Crowns for 15,000 Gil each from Esthar Pet Shop. That’s right.”. Touch one of the shops and you will gain access to a directory of all of the shops that are available. How to defeat both of the game’s superbosses. Head right one more time to reach the shopping area. Use the lift and pick the option Via Inner Skyway, and when you get the option to get off, pick Keep going. Huh. Since then, Pal Pals magazines have been… well, there haven’t been any for quite a while, but if you refrained from learning Angelo Recover, Angelo Reverse or acquiring the Odin GF, you should be in a good position to exploit this. You have completed the last lame dream sequence with Laguna and now you can begin exploring the huge city of Esthar with your team. At this point you can challenge Dr. Odine to a cards in order to win the Ward Card. 1 Stats 2 Battle 2.1 Strategy 3 Triple Triad 4 Other appearances 4.1 Final Fantasy Record Keeper 5 Gallery In the original Japanese version, Iron Giant's HP formula is . In any event, exit the shopping mall by heading down, then on the next screen head over to the lift hub and exit by heading up past the central of the three hubs. Great Salt Lake 2. Make sure to grab [Pet Pals Vol. Laguna Dream - Esthar Acquiring Doomtrain. One thing you will want to do, however, is refine yourself at least six Remedy+ items, as they’re necessary for summoning that elusive GF mentioned repeatedly through the Occult Fan issues. This guide will cover the main quest-line chronologically, giving advice on leveling (and how to avoid it), where to find the best spells, how to acquire all GFs and defeat all bosses. To perform its agile maneuvers, the Ragnarok'sfuselage is equipped with an array of jet propulsion nozzles. Hypno Crowns and Power Wrists can be refined into 10x Aura Stones apiece via Tool-RF, which in turn can be refined into the Aura spell via Supt Mag-RF. These include the “Weapons Mon” books, the “Combat King” books and two issues of “Pet Pals” and “Occult Fan”. Exit the Presidential Palace Hall (the room you start off in) and you can go either right or left. Search the ground where she was standing and you’ll find Occult Fan IV. The Esthar Pet Shop is perhaps the most interesting store in the game, as it not only sells the otherwise unobtainable Pet Pals Vol.5 and Pet Pals Vol.6, but it sells the Giant’s Ring, Power Wrist, Force Armlet and Hypno Crown items. For most stores you may end up getting one of two gifts; and while a Hi-Potion is definitely inferior to the alternative in either case, it’s probably not worth going out of your way to hunt for the better restorative - especially since you can buy all of these items from Johnny’s Shop and there are, of course, ways to earn infinite Gil. Cottages ultimately provide a 4,800G profit, but there’s no point in being choosy - they’re adjacent on the shop menu, and if you pick the “Rearrange” option in the “Items” menu you can assign Tents, Cottages and Mega-Potions to the top three slots, making it easy to buy 100x Tents (75,000G), 100x Cottages (135,000G), refine them both into a total of 75x Mega-Potions and sell the lot for 562,500G - a tidy profit of 352,500G per go. To return back to the presidential palace, leave the room with the exit elevator, ride the lift back To Presidential Palace, pick the option Keep going when asked and when you stop exit to the left then ride another left at the top of the screen back into the palace. Lunar Gate / Tear’s Point / Lunatic Pandora Exiting Esthar on the way to Tear’s Point and then the Lunar Gate to get on the Lunatic Pandora. Disc 3 Go to Walkthrough Index Go to Disc 1 Go to Disc 2 Go to Disc 3 Go to Disc 4. Location: Lunar Base/Southern Esthar Area Region: Lunar/Esthar NPC: Piet Card Mod: 3 Moon Curtains First Available: Disc 3 The Alexander Card is won from Piet on the Lunar Base later on during Disc 3. The Lunatic Pandora can be entered at Yellow Spot #1 with 15:00 - 12:00 remaining on the timer; at Yellow Spot #2, with between 10:00 - 5:00 remaining on the timer; and at Yellow Spot #3, with between 3:00 - 0:00 remaining. Head right one more time to leave the city… make your way to a. Here you ’ ll mention some books the president has been collecting before walking off and approach the,! More importantly you ’ ll find Occult Fan IV ( aka - the Esthar rules which... Some Power Wrists and Hypno Crowns from Rinrin’s Store game ’ s time to reach the. The Palace exit to the left then continue left across a bridge on enemy... For making various ultimate weapons it was at the end of the door and she ll... Top level of area ( 14 ) on the PlayStation, a GameFAQs board. 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