In such a busy part of our oceans, it is like driving down a motorway with your headlights off at night, and it poses a serious safety threat to all passing marine traffic. captureOnLoad = false; No cost, no catch. var found = false; It might sound a little strange to hear that Greenpeace has been placing giant boulders into the Dogger Bank Marine Protected Area. context = this.__SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_OffscreenGetContext(arguments[0]); We built an underwater boulder barrier, ensuring that 47 square miles of the Dogger Bank will be off limits to destructive bottom trawling. } It is home to sandeels, crabs, flatfish and more. var contextNames = ["webgl", "experimental-webgl", "webgl2", "experimental-webgl2"]; Planning permission is sought for a temporary construction access into the onshore converter station site on the periphery of Wilton International. Greenpeace places boulders in Dogger Bank to halt destructive fishing. if (arguments.length === 1) { This article is based on a press release from Greenpeace. Environmental campaigners are dropping granite boulders into a protected area of the North Sea to stop destructive fishing. Greenpeace-Aktive hatten im Juli im Adlergrund und im August im Fehmarnbelt ebenfalls große Granitsteine zum Schutz der dortigen Natura2000-Gebiete versenkt. 11:03am, Tue 22 Sep 2020 Created with sketchtool. Supertrawlers spend thousands of hours each year fishing in these supposedly protected areas with no regulation or monitoring. } The initiative will help prevent destructive bottom trawling which destroys the Dogger Bank’s protected seabed. Your last name Your email address Your phone. We resolved to stop bottom trawling in as much of the Dogger Bank as feasibly possible. 30. september 2020 19:25 Oppdatert 30. september 2020 19:25 Av Nils Torsvik i Bergen. No investigations have been launched, and they’ve given no commitments to properly protect our oceans or the Dogger Bank. Greenpeace commissioned an independent scientific agency, BioLaGu, to conduct a Natura 2000 Environmental Impact Assessment on the potential impact of the activity. Of particular concern to both Banner and Greenpeace is the widespread illegal fishing activity taking place around the North Sea in the Dogger Bank MPA. Environmental campaigners have begun dropping granite boulders into a protected area of the North Sea to stop destructive fishing. Granite boulders were dropped at select locations covering 50 square miles Activists will continue to place boulders in the new bottom trawler exclusion zone until it is fully protected from all bottom trawling. Turning off satellite tracking systems for all vessels over a certain size is illegal. But the Dogger Bank MPA is protected in name only. To make matters worse, the majority of these bottom trawlers were operating AIS dark by turning off their automatic tracking systems to gain a competitive advantage and to obscure their fishing practices from the authorities. London – 28 september 2020, Greenpeace Groot Brittannië voert nog steeds actie om het Britse deel van natuurgebied de Doggersbank in de Noordzee – ten oosten van Noord-Engeland – te beschermen. Read also Greenpeace … else if (arguments.length === 2) { Greenpeace drops boulders in North Sea conservation zone to prevent illegal fishing. GREENPEACE activists are expanding a barrier on the seabed of a fishing ground in the North Sea to prevent “bottom trawling” — the dragging of weighted nets across the seabed to catch fish. The Dogger Bank was designated a Special Area of Conservation in 2017. The Greenpeace ship Esperanza was heading to Hamburg to pick up more boulders weighing up to three tonnes each after dropping 17 yesterday in the Dogger Bank Special Area of Conservation. } But it’s also full of destructive fishing. var myEvent = new CustomEvent("SpectorWebGLCanvasAvailableEvent"); // Ensures canvas is in the dom to capture the one we are currently tracking. } spector.captureContext(context, 500, false); window.__SPECTOR_Canvases.push(this); By Chris Thorne, Oceans Campaigner, Greenpeace UK. The Dutch fishermen’s organisation, VisNed has filed a formal complaint against Greenpeace for willfully endangering fishermen. The environmental campaign group vowed to continue dropping granite boulders into Dogger Bank, one of the North Sea’s most productive fishing grounds. See what we stand for Our History & Successes In 1971, our founders set sail to an island in the Arctic. Antes de emprender esta acción, los activistas se pusieron en contacto como el capitán del barco arrastrero y le demandaron que abandonara la Reserva Marina del Dogger Bank. Greenpeace said that it has found 11 large fishing vessels operating in the Dogger Bank marine protected area with their automatic identification … Find out about our mission, and our team, here. Despite the Dogger Bank being formally designated as a Special Area of Conservation in 2017, the UK Government has failed to implement effective management measures to properly protect the area. The Greenpeace ship Esperanza was heading to Hamburg to pick up more boulders weighing up to three tonnes each after dropping 17 yesterday in the Dogger Bank Special Area of Conservation. Another set of boulders will be placed in the coming days. Greenpeace said the inert boulders, which they were spacing at precise intervals inside the Dogger Bank protected area, would not have a significant … We made sure that what we were doing was safe for all other mariners by immediately informing all the relevant authorities of the precise locations of each boulder. Greenpeace said the boulders were being spaced at precise intervals inside the Dogger Bank protected marine area and wouldn't harm the seabed. After witnessing systematic and illegal “dark” bottom trawling taking place in the Dogger Bank, we felt compelled to protect it ourselves. } Greenpeace investigators on board the Arctic Sunrise witnessed extensive bottom trawling, which directly damages the Dogger Bank’s sandbanks, the protected feature of the MPA. On … if (!arguments.length) { if (context === null) { Bottom trawlers drag heavily weighted nets across the seabed - ripping up everything in their path - … for (var i = 0; i < window.__SPECTOR_Canvases.length; i++) { if (window.__SPECTOR_Canvases[i] === this) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { window.__SPECTOR_Canvases.push(this); } } if (captureOnLoad) { // Ensures canvas is in the dom to capture the one we are currently tracking. Thousands have got in touch expressing their support, and celebrities including Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall, Stephen Fry and many others asked if they could sign their names to our boulders, along with MPs from across the political spectrum. Dogger Bank has marine protected status, which is supposed to conserve fish stocks, allowing them to recover from over-fishing. var context = null; OffscreenCanvas.prototype.getContext = function () { if (captureOffScreen) { Esperanza in the Dogger Bank - GP1SUCIP The Greenpeace ship, Esperanza, is seen in the Dogger Bank area of the North Sea. var __SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_OffscreenGetContext = OffscreenCanvas.prototype.getContext; The views expressed in the articles published on this site may not necessarily reflect those of the trust, its trustees or its staff. } This should be a job for our government, which loves to call itself a ‘global ocean champion’, but we can’t stand idly by while our most important marine areas are destroyed before our eyes. = "Offscreen"; Even after revealing illegal bottom trawling in the Dogger Bank to the authorities, they’ve done nothing. The website is owned and published by The Resurgence Trust, an educational charity. For several years, Greenpeace has been campaigning for a new Global Ocean Treaty to replace our broken system of global ocean governance. They’ve destroyed their livelihoods, and we are so happy to be able to help our local fishing communities by protecting part of the Dogger Bank. This comes after a Greenpeace investigation found that industrial bottom trawlers are systematically breaking the law while fishing in the Dogger Bank. Greenpeace said … (function() { The Greenpeace ship, the Esperanza, is in the Dogger Bank, the North Sea. // Notify the page a canvas is available. if (this.parentElement || false) { spector.captureContext(context, 500, false); captureOnLoad = false; } } } return context; } })() // ]]> Beautiful photography. The industrial fishing industry has unsurprisingly come out against our action with some, frankly, ridiculous claims about us endangering their vessels and crews. Take a look inside the latest issue of Oceanographic Magazine. Our Government won’t act, and we can’t sit idly by while they allow supposedly protected parts of our oceans to be destroyed. There are a … if (context === null) { Dogger bank är nämligen en sandbank. Almost all of them, especially those in offshore waters, lack any site condition monitoring to assess their progress towards conservation targets, and only five out of the UK’s 73 offshore protected areas ‘might be’ progressing towards their conservation targets. Activists close almost 50 square miles of the Dogger Bank protected area in the North Sea to all destructive bottom trawling. context.canvas.setAttribute("__spector_context_type", arguments[0]); Miljøaktivistene i Greenpeace dumpet tirsdag på nytt tonnevis av tunge granittsteiner på Doggerbank øst for Storbritannia. The 50-square mile Dogger Bank area was designated a Special Area of Conservation in 2017 - but environmental campaigners Greenpeace have accused Boris Johnson of … Greenpeace announced that activists have begun building an underwater barrier to prevent bottom trawling in the Dogger Bank area of the North Sea. Sign up for our WEEKLY and MONTHLY newsletters - and never miss out on the amazing news and comment articles we publish, day in day out. if (contextNames.indexOf(arguments[0]) !== -1) { 9. 11 von 19 Grundschleppnetzfischern, die im Juni 2020 beim Fischfang in der Dogger-Bank beobachtet wurden, verstießen gegen britisches und internationales Seerecht. We resolved to stop bottom trawling in as much of the Dogger Bank as feasibly possible by placing giant, inert granite boulders at precise intervals in the area where we witnessed this destructive bottom trawling. Greenpeace is committed to properly protecting the Dogger Bank, and will continue to expand the new area off limits to bottom trawling until the UK Government properly protects the Dogger Bank. return context; Copyright © 2021 CXD MEDIA LTD. All rights reserved, Website design and build by Thinking Juice. Activists close almost 50 square miles of the Dogger Bank protected area in the North Sea to all destructive bottom trawling. The new target for Greenpeace is the Dogger Bank MPA. document.dispatchEvent(myEvent); Dogger Bank Wind Farm is an offshore wind farm being developed in three phases – Dogger Bank A, Dogger Bank B and Dogger Bank C – located between 130km and 190km from the North East coast of England at their nearest points. We will continue to protect our oceans however we can, until our government steps up and delivers the protection our oceans need. Read also Greenpeace … Greenpeace said the inert boulders, which they were spacing at precise intervals inside the Dogger Bank protected area, would not have a significant … } Greenpeace activists drops boulders into the North Sea to stop trawlers fishing in the Dogger Bank conservation area. However Greenpeace says the area is only briefly closed to allow scallops to spawn. The Greenpeace ship, the Esperanza, is in the Dogger Bank, the North Sea. [CDATA[ A third sculpted boulder was placed on the doorstep of DEFRA at the same time, to send a message to the Environment Secretary George Eustice that he couldn’t ignore. Find out all the things that people can do to help the planet. Greenpeace wil maandag tientallen keien, elk van honderden kilo’s, overboord gooien langs de Doggersbank, een beschermd Natura2000-gebied. The complaint has been lodged over the organisation’s dumping of three-tonne boulders in a Marine Protected Area, also known as an area of special conservation on the Dogger Bank in the North Sea.. Greenpeace has said that the action is being … var captureOffScreen = false; context = this.__SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_GetContext(arguments[0]); We deployed a second set of boulders, collected from Hamburg in Germany, before heading to London to load a final two boulders, sculpted into full stops by Turner Prize nominated artist Fiona Banner. Greenpeace is committed to properly protecting the Dogger Bank, and will continue to expand the new area off limits to bottom trawling until the UK Government properly protects the Dogger Bank. document.dispatchEvent(myEvent); This would pave the way for 30% of our oceans being fully protected by 2030. The Dogger Bank was the filter which kept the North Sea clean, swept clean of the bivalves which did the work by commercial trawling. We have been overwhelmed by how positive the public response has been. In just two weeks, researchers on the Arctic Sunrise witnessed 19 industrial bottom trawlers ploughing the Dogger Bank’s protected seabed. Greenpeace activists have informed the relevant marine authorities to ensure navigational safety for mariners in the area. However, a closer look at ocean protection here in the UK’s waters, on our Government’s doorstep, reveals an alarming picture totally at odds with the rhetoric our Government uses to speak about ocean protection. It extends into Dutch and German waters and is designated as a Marine Protected Area (MPA). BE PART OF IT. Inert granite boulders are being placed into the North Sea as part of a new bottom trawler exclusion zone in the Dogger Bank Marine Protected Area. if (captureOnLoad) { Greenpeace uses non-violent creative action to pave the way towards a greener, more peaceful world, and to confront the systems that threaten our environment. This is equivalent to driving a bulldozer through an entire forest on land. Dogger bank är nämligen en sandbank. } Inert granite boulders are being placed into the North Sea as part of a new bottom trawler exclusion zone in the Dogger Bank Marine Protected Area. Subscribe to the digital edition for just £20 a year, or enjoy it for free courtesy of Oceanographic’s partnership with Project AWARE®. A las 9 de la mañana de hoy, activistas a bordo de tres zodiacs lanzaron boyas al mar para impedir que el barco arrastrero holandés The Gorge Johannes Klazina lanzara sus redes al agua. Electric pulse trawlers prowl our protected areas, electrocuting areas of seabed to catch fish, and perhaps most egregiously, bottom trawlers rip up the seabed in 97% of the UK’s protected areas, which were set up specifically to protect seabed habitats. The latest edition of Resurgence & Ecologist is out now, and available to buy from the Resurgence Trust website. It’s filled with beautiful wildlife like flatfish and starfish. We are proud of what we’ve done in the Dogger Bank, but we know this is just the start. return context; Greenpeace has been campaigning for the UK Government to ban destructive industrial fishing vessels, like supertrawlers and bottom trawlers, from operating in UK protected areas. var captureOnLoad = false; It protected in name only 11 von 19 Grundschleppnetzfischern, die im Juni 2020 beim Fischfang in der Dogger-Bank wurden... The magazine, become a member now deep Sea mining and various other threats have pushed our or. These species are a vital food source for porpoises and seabirds like puffins supposedly protected areas in North... 19:25 Oppdatert 30. september 2020 19:25 Oppdatert 30. september 2020 19:25 Oppdatert 30. september 2020 19:25 Oppdatert september! Zone to prevent fishing vessels trawling i Bergen Marine authorities to ensure navigational safety mariners. 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