Background story: I am a 25 year old Indian male with light brown skin complexion. Do you have any before and after pictures? Vitiligo is an auto-immune disease that leads to de-pigmentation of the skin in the form of random spots on the face and body. If you can't get Trioxasalen then you do the sunlight-therapy without it and you will still get results. vitamin b12, folic acid and copper are crucial not ginko. Ginkgo Biloba (klick!) 3)Started meditating to remove mental stress. I have not taken any pictures. Sicher ist jedoch, dass oxidativer Stress in der Haut eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entstehung von Vitiligo spielt. Bei Vitiligo könne eine Behandlung mit Ginkgo-biloba-Extrakt mit anderen Therapien, zum Beispiel einer Behandlung mit Steroiden, kombiniert werden, um die Repigmentierung zu beschleunigen. After 5 months the spots around my nose became well pigmented. Fachleute haben in einem Webinar erläutert, was wir über die Mutationen wissen – und was nicht. On my 24th birthday I took a resolution that I would do everything possible by me to get rid of this disease which is ruining my life. … I stopped going out of my home and wouldn't look people in the eyes while talking to them. 2012. I ignored them at first but soon they became prominent and people started asking about them. In einer größeren klinischen Untersuchung mit 80 postmenopausalen Frauen stimulierte Ginkgo Biloba die Libido (sexuelles Verlangen) bei einer tägliche… Doctors will give you all the medicines in the world but they won't tell you to change your diet. Before I changed my diet I went through every kind of treatment e.g PUVA, topical corticosteroids, steroid injections etc etc and none of them was able to cure my vitiligo. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Kennen Sie schon unsere täglichen Newsletter? (2013) Treatment of vitiligo with a chimeric monoclonal antibody to CD20: a pilot study. Dies ist in … Vitiligo is basically a skin disorder, iatrogenic in character but according to some the auto immune disorders and genetics are also to be blamed for this. Reddit; Wechat; Abstract. In 2013, there was an Indian study involving 26 vitiligo patients. Simon Goddek 2018-08-28T01:56:06+00:00. Ginkgo biloba extract has been shown to have antioxidant and immuno …. How long did it take to get rid of? I have stopped taking all the medication excepts I only apply the tacrolimus cream on the white dots on my skin. Dort sollten vor allem Outdoor-Worker für das Hautkrebsrisiko sensibilisiert werden. Recently, oxidative stress has been shown to play an important role in the pathogenesis of vitiligo. Die Anmeldung ist mit wenigen Klicks erledigt. Summary For effective treatment of vitiligo, it is as important to arrest the progression of the disease as it is to induce repigmentation. If the immune system is attacking your melanocytes, boosting it further with these types of herbs could be problematic. I have decided to continue the eating and lifestyle habits that I have adopted forever. Zudem enthalten Ginkgo Biloba Blätter auch die Flavonoide Quercetin, Kaempferol und Isorhamnetin (1). ... Parsad D et al. Vitiligo has changed my life. 25 Patienten erhielten dreimal täglich je 40 mg Ginkgo-Extrakt, 22 Patienten Plazebo. Die neuen SARS-CoV-2-Subtypen in England und Südafrika sind offenbar besonders kontagiös. Ihr Beginn ist meist symmetrisch und periorifiziell. In my opinion the diet is most important part of treating vitiligo. vitamin d3 60k iu once a week. Ärzte haben viele Fragen zur Corona-Schutzimpfung. Die Therapie wurde über sechs Monate fortgeführt. Immunostimulatory herbal supplements may exacerbate preexisting autoimmune disease or … You are right. Part
Beratung Hautfragen. People with autoimmune diseases, including vitiligo, must be cautious in the use of herbs. Miriam Reyes. 25 Home Remedy to Cure Vitiligo: Remedy 5 (Ginkgo Biloba) Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Reddit Whatsapp Google+ Pinterest Email. Started eating boiled food as much as possible. NEU als Themen abonnierbar: Frauengesundheit und Kindergesundheit. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Introduction Vitiligo is a common acquired, idiopathic skin disorder, this study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of Ginkgo biloba in patients with vitiligo. Innerhalb dieser Zeit sei es bei 20 Patienten unter Ginkgo-biloba-Therapie, aber nur bei acht Patienten der Placebo-Gruppe zu einem Stop der Krankheitsprogression gekommen, berichten die Kollegen (Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 28, 2003, 285). Bitte melden Sie sich an, um alle Artikel lesen zu können. Die Prophezeiung der Dermatologen bewahrheitet sich: Seit der Hautkrebs als Berufskrankheit anerkannt ist, ist er unter den Top 3 bei Verdachtsanzeigen und Anerkennungen. Teile diese Seite! Like milk and all dairy products, eggs etc. Eine Therapie mit Ginkgo-biloba-Extrakt kann bei Patienten mit Vitiligo das Fortschreiten der Depigmentierung stoppen und die Repigmentierung fördern. Suppressing the Auto-immune response which is causing the depigmentation. copper 1mg a day and drank water from a copper container. So whats your routine? It was concluded that ginkgo biloba is both safe and effective as treatment for vitiligo patches, facilitating a higher repigmentation rate than other options. von Prof. Dr. med. Folic acid 1.5 mg and vitamin b12 7.5 mcg. It doesn't matter if you're black or white...or both Reducing the oxidative stress :: To reduce oxidative stress I. Vitiligo is caused by cells in the body’s tissue that lose their natural pigmentation, leaving several white marks on the skin. Zahlreiche pharmakologische Untersuchungen führten zum Schluss, dass die Terpenlactone, nämlich die Ginkgolide A (GKA), B (GKB), C (GKC), J (GKJ) und Bilobalid (Bb) hauptsächlich an der pharmazeutischen Wirkung der Ginkgo Pflanze beteiligt sind. Vitiligo vulgaris (generalisierte Vitiligo): Bei 78% der Pat. zum Start in den Tag individuell nach ihren Themenwünschen zusammengestellt mit dem Wichtigsten aus Medizin, Wirtschaft für den Arzt und Politik. During the trial, patients took a 40mg pill of ginkgo three times a day for six months. Der Extrakt wurde gut vertragen. I exposed all the body parts separately to the sun for 20 minutes each. Die Veröffentlichung von Daten aus einem Qualitätssicherungsverfahren steht nun kurz bevor. Dann beschreiben Sie bitte in kurzer Form das Problem, die Redaktion wird diesen Kommentar genauer prüfen und gegebenenfalls löschen. In 9 months my spots were almost gone except the ones on my toes. I took ginko 40mg after dinner. Dietrich Abeck am 19.08.2016. I have a very hard time believing any of this. Ruiz-Argüelles A et al. So I went on the Internet and read everything out there on vitiligo. Eine Therapie mit Ginkgo-biloba-Extrakt kann bei Patienten mit Vitiligo das Fortschreiten der Depigmentierung stoppen und die Repigmentierung fördern. Seit Freitag ist es amtlich: Ärzte dürfen aus einer Durchstechflasche des BioNTech-Impfstoffs Comirnaty, © 2021 Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH. Conclusion:: I am completely free from vitiligo now except a few small white dots on my skin. I also started taking only white rice as my carbohydrate source to avoid gluten. Ginkgo biloba besitzt antioxidative und immunmodulatorische Eigenschaften. Parsad und seine Kollegen diskutieren, daß der Effekt der Ginkgo-biloba-Therapie mit den antioxidativen Eigenschaften des Extraktes zusammenhängen könnte. I also stopped taking any food or supplements that will boost my immunity like any sour acidic foods, fruits, foods high in vitamin c, vitamin e, biotin, zinc etc. Does anybody else want to use this methodology and get back to us on the results? I first started noticing skin discoloration at places like my toes, neck, around my nose, my fingers etc when I was 22. Ate all kinds of antioxidant rich foods out there. I first started noticing skin discoloration at places like my toes, neck, around my nose, my fingers etc when I was 22. 12 participants 12 to 35 years old were recruited to a prospective open-label pilot trial and treated with 60 mg of standardized G. biloba two times per day for 12 weeks. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It took me about a year to cure my vitiligo. natürlich dürfen Sie keine allzu großen Erwartungen haben, aber eine partielle Besserung /Stabilisierung ist möglich; evtl. After two months of this routine I started noticing some re-pigmentation which gave me hope. Ginko kann helfen, ebenso ein Antioxidans aus einem südamerikanischen Farn, namens Polypodium Leucotomos. I heard those 3 are crucial. Vitiligo is a common hypopigmentation disorder with significant psychological impact if occurring before adulthood. Über unser kostenloses Login erhalten Ärzte, Medizinstudenten, MFA und weitere Personengruppen viele Vorteile. 2)Stopped smoking and eliminated all junk and fried foods from my diet. how long did you expose yourself to the sun's rays after taking Trioxasalen? Leave A Comment Antworten abbrechen. Vitiligo betrifft Menschen jeden Alters und ethnischen Hintergrunds; bei über der Hälfte der Betroffenen tritt die Erkrankung jedoch vor dem Alter von 20 Jahren auf. Die Registrierung ist mit wenigen Klicks erledigt. (1) Die allgemeine Dosierung beträgt 40 bis 80 mg Ginkgo biloba, dreimal täglich. CHANDIGARH (mal). Now I am healthier and happier than I have ever been. I am not a native English speaker so condone my mistakes if any. I bought Trioxasalen from a pharmacy in my locality. Intake of Ginkgo Biloba has been also reported to improve symptoms associated with dementia including anxiety, improve sleep efficiency and reduce awakenings, - but in high doses it can interfere with around 500 drugs. Many herbs, like Goldenseal, Astragalus, Echinacea and Spirulina are immune boosters. Stoffe, die ein hohes antioxidativ wirksames Potential haben, sind daher günstig. 6 Home Remedies for Vitiligo: Ginkgo biloba, Ginger and more. In one double-blind study, Ginkgo biloba extract was found to help halt the active progression of depigmentation, and equally important in the study was that the extract was well tolerated by the subjects in the study. In diesem Kommentar sind rassistische, gewaltverherrlichende, beleidigende oder verleumderische Äußerungen enthalten beziehungsweise es werden falsche Tatsachen behauptet? You need to avoid vitamin c and zinc as much as possible. Ginkgo Biloba leaf extract is known to have anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties, thus potentially impacting the oxidative stress mechanisms of vitiligo. Reducing the oxidative stress to prevent free radical damage. Ginkgo biloba for the treatment of vitilgo vulgaris: an open label pilot clinical trial Orest Szczurko1*, Neil Shear2, Anna Taddio3, Heather Boon4 Abstract Background: Vitiligo is a common hypopigmentation disorder with significant psychological impact if occurring before adulthood. Nach Forschungsergebnissen sei oxidativer Streß in der Pathogenese von Vitiligo von großer Bedeutung. Es gab harte Antworten. 29. ... dass Vitiligo heilbar ist, spätestens dann werden alle negativen Gedanken in Hoffnung umschweifen. Es gibt auch ein Berufsleben jenseits von Corona. Ginkgo biloba, an herb, has been studied in a clinical trial. After I changed my diet and lifestyle the same medications were able to cure my vitiligo. After additional research, I found that there have been small clinical trials for ginkgo biloba and vitiligo. So I found that there were three most prominent treatment to vitiligo out there. 4)Started being nice to everyone around me. Ginkgo biloba was effective in reducing the spread of vitiligo in patients (ages 12-35). I am also 30% repigmented following closely what you're doing. How crucial is vitamin d12 and copper? My studies were getting hampered due to this. Die Erkrankung geht für Betroffene oftmals aufgrund der fleckigen Depigmentierung mit einer kosmetischen Entstellung und großem Leidensdruck einher. Use of Ginko Biloba in Vitiligo. This is my first reddit post ever so it will possibly be a messy one. I am not a native English speaker so condone my mistakes if any. Suppressing the Auto-immune response:: To supress the autoimmune response I applied tacrolimus 0.1% topical cream twice a day on the affected areas and took Hydroxychloroquine (HCQS) (200mg) tablet at bed time. Das haben jetzt indische Forscher beobachtet. Vitiligo ist eine chronische Hauterkrankung, die sich durch einen fleckigen Verlust der Hautfarbe auszeichnet. Ginkgo biloba extract has been shown to have antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties. Wow that's amazing! No but as I drank green tea for the antioxidants I never felt the need of drinking coffee. By Mitchell. of, Berufsbedingter Hautkrebs: Rasanter Anstieg bei Verdachtsanzeigen, IQTiG ist den Wundinfektionen auf der Spur, Corona-Impfung in den Praxen frühestens im zweiten Quartal, Corona-Mutationen verschärfen die Pandemie, EMA empfiehlt sechste Dosis für Comirnaty. Comment. The result was pretty remarkable. mittags das Telegramm mit den arztrelevanten News des Tages und einem einordnenden Kommentar. Recently, oxidative stress has been shown to play an important role in the pathogenesis of vitiligo. In my country it is not hard buying drugs without a prescription except the schedule h ones. Das Kraut kann helfen, das Fortschreiten der Krankheit zu reduzieren und eine Repigmentierung herbeizuführen. Photo Therapy:: For photo therapy I would get up at 4'oclock in the morning and take Trioxasalen (25mg) tablet with some food and then from 6 AM to 8AM I would expose the affected areas of my skin to the morning sun rays. Dr. Davinder Parsad aus Chandigarh in Indien und seine Kollegen haben 25 Vitiligo-Patienten mit täglich dreimal 40 mg eines in Indien erhältlichen, standardisierten Ginkgo-biloba-Extraktes behandelt, 22 weitere Patienten erhielten Placebo. Clin Exp Dermatol 28:285-287. One clinical trial investigated ginkgo biloba as a potential treatment for vitiligo. 47 Patienten mit Vitiligo nahmen an einer Doppelblindstudie teil, in der die Wirkung von Ginkgo-biloba-Extrakt untersucht wurde. This is my first reddit post ever so it will possibly be a messy one. Background story: I am a 25 year old Indian male with light brown skin complexion. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Probier es aus. How much mg are you taking of ginko bilboa, vitamin b12 and folic acid? I was told my my dermatlogist that since I've had it since I was 6 ( 20 now), it could not be repigmented, but proved her wrong lol. For effective treatment of vitiligo, it is as important to arrest the progression of the disease as it is to induce repigmentation. Ärmer an Nebenwirkungen ist der Ginkgo, der jüngst in einer indischen Studie seine Wirksamkeit bei Vitiligo zeigte. I did it every day for 1 year. Press J to jump to the feed. Ginkgo biloba as vitiligo treatment. Dieser Unterschied sei statistisch signifikant gewesen. Besonders Patienten mit akrofazialer Vitiligo profitierten von der Ginkgo-biloba-Therapie. Außerdem hatte bei zehn Patienten der Verum-Gruppe, aber nur bei zwei Patienten der Kontroll-Gruppe eine deutliche oder eine vollständige Repigmentierung stattgefunden. A pilot clinical trial to determine the feasibility of an RCT was conducted and is reported here. U don't have to. I also covered the unaffected areas as much as possible during photo therapy as Trioxasalen makes your skin photosensitive and it can cause hyper pigmentation in the vitiligo unaffected areas. Author: MSc. I used carrots, spinach and all other green leafy vegetables as the source of vitamin A. I also drank a lot of green tea and ate raw turmuric. Vitiligo Treatment Using Ginkgo Biloba Extracts – Ginkgo Biloba Benefits. Also how were you able to acquire Trioxasalen? That is the idea behind reddit. Can you elaborate about your meds, diet, supplements etc. Lesen Sie alles wichtige aus den Bereichen Medizin, Gesundheitspolitik und Praxis und Wirtschaft. You can ask all the questions in your mind and I will be happy to answer. I also eliminated any food item commonly known to trigger a food allergy from my diet. As a result I became extremely self conscious and my confidence level shattered. This disease leads to the appearance of irregular white patches due to the loss of skin color. Reddit; Wechat; Zusammenfassung. :), Good for you! die Dosis auf eine morgendliche und eine abendiche aufteilen sehe keine echten Nebenwirkungen hierzu würde ich aber nochmals den Apotheker im Team befragen! Jedes Jahr kommt es in Deutschland zu einer sechsstelligen Zahl an postoperativen Wundinfektionen. Started loving my gf more than I ever have. I went to many doctors but there were no results. Results from this trial indicate that the herb may restore skin color and stop vitiligo from worsening. Vitiligo is a skin disorder that destroys pigment cells. Du schaffst es! Supplements :: I Supplemented with vitamin b12, folic acid, copper, vitamin d3 , ginko biloba as I found out that these supplements help. (2003) Effectiveness of oral Ginkgo biloba in treating limited, slowly spreading vitiligo. Conclusion Although all studies were fairly small (involving 50 or less patients), all of them reported the same effects: that ginkgo biloba stops the spread of vitiligo in all patients and achieves significant re-pigmentation rates . Human Papillomavirus: Causes and Natural Remedies How to get Model Abs and Waist (part two) Published: 11/01/2015 - Updated: 12/27/2017 . My gf was extremely supportive about it but I started avoiding her. In the ginkgo biloba trial, 10 patients given ginkgo biloba had noticeable or complete return of skin color. Manche Betroffenen verspüren ein Jucken vor dem Entstehen eines neuen Flecks. Due to it's antioxidant function, Ginko Biloba's efficiency in controlling the activity and spread of vitiligo as well as it's usefulness in inducing repigmentation was put to the test by a team of researchers from India. Ginkgo biloba bei vitiligo. So others can know what are we doing right and they are not. This condition affects the … In this type of disease the surrounding area of skin loses its color and appears lighter in patches. Ginkgo biloba is a powerful herb, with immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties. Der Dermatologe Davinder Parsas und sein Team behandelten 25 Patienten mit einem Ginkgo-Extrakt, eine Kontrollgruppe erhielt ein wirkungsloses Plazebo, beide … Die Forschung zeigt, dass Ginkgo biloba aufgrund seiner antioxidativen und immunmodulatorischen Eigenschaften zur Behandlung von Vitiligo beitragen kann. Am Samstag stellte sich Gesundheitsminister Spahn diesen zusammen mit den Chefs von RKI, PEI und STIKO. A pilot clinical trial to determine the feasibility of an RCT was conducted and is reported here. Zu Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln gibt es leider nur wenige Studien bei Vitiligo. As you can see, there are many ginkgo biloba benefits for skin health. Vitiligo ist eine erworbene Hauterkrankung, an der weltweit 0,5 % der Bevölkerung erkranken und die eine große Herausforderung in der dermatologischen Versorgung darstellt. Mar. Vitiligo with a chimeric monoclonal antibody to CD20: a pilot clinical trial to determine the of. And would n't look people in the eyes while talking to them which me... Vitiligo profitierten von der Ginkgo-biloba-Therapie Chefs von RKI, PEI und STIKO wo n't tell you to change your.. Vitiligo from worsening 1.5 mg and vitamin b12 and folic acid treatment Using ginkgo biloba was effective in the. The immune system is attacking your melanocytes, boosting it further with these types of herbs could problematic. 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