Michigan Alliance for Families is an IDEA Grant Funded Initiative of the Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education, and Michigan’s federal Parent-Training and Information Center (PTIC) funded by U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). Illuminate Education. H. Owen Reed joined the faculty of Michigan State College in 1939. Therefore, evaluation timelines will continue to apply for compliance reporting purposes. Central Michigan DE Troy Hairston won co-defensive player of the year, and WMU WR D'Wayne Eskridge secured special teams player of the year. MDE Services. • Receive emails from the foundation including our ePatriot newsletter.. 0000012817 00000 n The REED may be conducted anytime during the 36-month period, but the evaluation must be completed by the date identified and documented by the IEP Team. Reevaluation for a student with a disability should happen when: For students who receive special education services, eligibility status must be reviewed every three years, unless the parent and the district agree that reevaluation is not necessary. 1-800-552-4821 info@michiganallianceforfamilies.org. The Reed City Theatre Guild hosted an event to benefit the middle school’s special education program. All Director of Special Education jobs available. Submit a request or contact our support team by phone at (949) 242-0343 or contact our support team by phone at (949) 242-0343 ��W��h$�����Ud9.0�.bb����� �.������pPtV@�n4�sy��������2��Y?/;�;f��� L,y֤=�.o�+ I am currently working with our Reed City, Michigan school to hire a Special Education Teacher starting the upcoming school year. Special Needs Schools in Reed City on YP.com. Staff must document these attempts to obtain consent. Tyree K. Williams, 22, told police she shot Max Reed, 31, of Merrillville, early Dec. 15 inside an apartment in the 3600 block of Michigan Court as Reed held him %%EOF The Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education requires the SEPAC to serve as a formal mechanism for parent input into the ISD Plan for the Delivery of Special Education Programs and Services. 0 Members may meet individually or in small groups to review existing data in their area of expertise. However, if the REED indicates a need for additional assessment, the identified assessments must be completed prior to the IEP meeting where the determination of eligibility will be made. Our Special Education Department provides leadership and support in the implementation of Special Education Programs and Services in Macomb County. x�b```b``�``e``�`b@ !6v� O����A�A�q��/@��V�U���|$ INITIAL OR RE-EVALUATION FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION ELIGIBILITY (Birth to 26) Students initially qualify for special education through a team consisting of two or more of the following: Certi-fied Teacher, School Psychologist, Speech and Language Pathologist, Social Worker, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist. Special Education Reevaluation Process Michigan Department of Education Office of Special Education April 30, 2019 . The school must provide the student with a summary of his/her academic achievement and functional performance and recommendations on how to assist the student to meet his/her postsecondary goals. 0000015466 00000 n Central Michigan University. Michigan Department of Education has required each district to develop a Continuity of Learning Plan that addresses how the district will continue to provide an education to your child. 0000010728 00000 n About Us Wayne RESA is a regional educational service agency that provides a broad range of services and support to Wayne County's 33 school districts. Our Special Education Department provides leadership and support in the implementation of Special Education Programs and Services in Macomb County. <]>> A REED is conducted by an ARD committee (which must include the parent or the adult student, an administrator, a general education teacher of the student, a special education teacher of the student, assessment personnel) and other members with knowledge of the student, as appropriate. individualized education programs (commonly referred to as ‘initials’) are activities undertaken for a child who is not currently receiving special education services. Within 10schooldays of receipt of a written request for an initial evaluation of a student suspected of having a disability, and before any formal evaluation designed to determine eligibility for special education programs and services, the public agency shall provide the parent with written notice consistent with 34 CFR § 300.503 and shall request written consent to evaluate. An IEP meeting will be scheduled. startxref 0000000016 00000 n These special education policies are required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education (MARSE). ޻����q!8f�u�2�/�Jh�Q��h��JM2���8 >�ޫ�1o�K �N�qù��q$�Xog�)A��D��2R=„�Z-�fyWѐ,�D[1�P$D��� ��5 e��x.SeAʀk�e�a�jZ�[Q�hN2���Q��"~�ؓjL�BI�0�]� us2�g����Y7��s�F�H�eSN-U�QRV**Sn�^f�,+�Vo�\�D�ā�Ni���b���d:lA _y���T��H� A#�h�歉B�̄��D�'S1V��S�|�[��46�LHe�즉)�0��TN�)��[&RvÆ�N ���P($�F�����,Ah��L ���!B�mXj�ڵU��'�I�*P����V�N��Q2�jY6IQ��X}�ļ@mN�(�1RN5:� �}��^b�"h�jl'mVж�f���!p�&�˪�`��J/[���fi�L۪PSdu�MN�䋷A7$)�.�B�,Mr�Vɦ�Δ�2�`�S�4���B�����or�}[m3��m3)Y&��M���zm�3�+k|�l�t�h�6Z7��u�Ir[7s��L��υM���R�LZ��6�C=eǎѶ-Zġ2'ef�h�0Ɓg^cA�� ����Ԏf(5b�mȍ���P���1��\�\��p\��>WC���FKU|5�|��- What happens when the evaluations are done? Reed City Area Public Schools, 10 days ago Reminder - Meal pickup will be today Monday, December 28th from 1 P.M. to 4 P.M. at the high school, door 22. White Enrollment (%): 93.3%. Sign-up for Announcement from the OSE . Public Notice - Milford Board of Education Temporary Vacancy - Area D: MHS Meal Distribution will be 3:30-5 on 12/16 Due to inclement weather, we will close down the evening feeding tonight at 5:00 pm at the High School. ��~�O���RW_��x|q�}�b��������#���s�lz�8�ꪤSW�3���F������X�_�k��������� �0U6c��C����J!x�Hc��6�[@�� ?\��� Members may meet individually or in small groups to review existing data in their area of expertise. Michigan Special Education Regs. A path to achievement. I am currently working with our Reed City, Michigan school to hire a Special Education Teacher starting the upcoming school year. You can see various forms of art on display like selfies and drawings. 0000011787 00000 n Evaluation: What does it mean for your child? Evaluation is an important part of special education. School personnel must document multiple attempts to obtain parental consent for a re-evaluation. However, a LEA/PSA may proceed with re-evaluations after making multiple, reasonable attempts to obtain consent. � 胰�>�96���GO�� Distance Learning Resources for Children with an IEP, Special Education Supports and Services During COVID, Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance, Special Education Reevaluation Process Policy Guidance, MDE, OSE Guidance for Timelines for Initial Evaluations. If the parent refuses consent for a reeevaluation, such refusal does not release the LEA/PSA from the requirement to conduct a reevaluation. 15 0000002935 00000 n The hours are 3:30-5:00 tonight, 12/16. A student moving into Michigan with a special education eligibility from another state is treated as an initial. Form Name: Link: ... Notice of Cessation of Special Education Programs and Services in Response to Revocation of Parental Consent: Link: Summary of Performance: Link: Referral/review of Existing Evaluation Data/Consent (REED) Link: Parental Consent to Evaluate: NA: No. ... Due to the disruption caused by COVID-19, the Michigan Department of Education did not administer assessments for the 2019-2020 school year. The Special Education Staff Training Series is a 5 session training series held each fall to help new or returning staff become familiar with compliant special education practices in Lenawee County. The IEP Team must conduct a REED to decide what additional information is needed to determine that the student is no longer a student with a disability or no longer in need of special education programs or services. Specifically, the group conducting the REED must determine whether further assessments are required to determine: An evaluation is not required before graduation with a regular diploma or when a student exceeding the age of eligibility. 484 0 obj<>stream Parental consent for an evaluation is not required for reviewing existing data, or for administering a test or other evaluation administered to all children. REED Dates in Correct Procedural Order Navigating the REED Process ... Michigan Special Education: Timelines for Initials. The child’s parent or teacher requests a reevaluation. Find your next job from the 200,000 available, hire staff, or start a new course today - ♥ Mondays with reed.co.uk, the UK’s #1 job site. Special Education Forms Traverse Bay Area Early College Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District 1101 Red Drive Traverse City , MI 49684 231.922.6200 464 21 H���M�7��} endstream endobj 474 0 obj<>stream She graduated from Rockford High School in 1961 and Central Michigan University with a Master's degree in teaching with an emphasis in special education. Reed fled from police on May 6 in a friend’s car before stopping at 62nd Street and Michigan Road. Stay Connected to Fisher House Foundation • Receive our free printed magazine The Patriot twice a year. Both are ways to keep up with stories and highlights from our comfort homes and programs for military and veterans’ families. It is not required for a REED to be completed in a formal meeting. Reevaluation can be used to document a student’s changing needs. Locations Include: We could uncover more information on Julie at any time - we update our databases every 24 hours! Upon his retirement, MSU granted the title of Professor Emeritus unto Reed. H�\��j�@E���^&��WuU��� x1�3 KmGKB����20[GtU�T�+��w���]�s�C�ݩ��)\���w�O�µ]3>-�ͥ�4&��9\��iH�ʥ���u���a���?�6L]v��G�n��.��]��k׆S��[=~�/��K�Ӿ���|�9�"~�����9�L3��:�M����*���Uo�Z'�o�[׌i�S�^OIU 8��-�3��"��[��#������%�)�O��spA.�%�Y����JV�� L�n%�J����B~�,t8B���A� t8B���� Ask your district for their REED form and guidance. evaluation according to Michigan rules for eligibility. The REED must be conducted by the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee members and other qualified professionals, as appropriate. Is an ARD committee meeting required when conducting a REED? ... Reed Martin. Q: Must a REED be completed … 1-800-552-4821 info@michiganallianceforfamilies.org. trailer 1-800-552-4821info@michiganallianceforfamilies.org. Copyright © 2019 Michigan Alliance for Families. But when it comes to what’s most important in your school or region, you’re the authority. 0000003725 00000 n B��`R,.P��DkhZL��AIă�4 J��`&I@�,w�2(GP�f����[ZTNPP���b���qB����Ktb��c` �N�Q`S$��}8rx8=�Ӫ�Q#� ���0렸k�;��������652�0gHJ\M�dcLr+�$��8�mg��T���~a��y��5�"��R�&?�a�™��h����T�- \�a���[pnP|��!�A����{�^G��F&�,��6��a�"���1�9[-���Q&�x�����D Z�� Michigan Alliance for Families provides information, support, and education for families who have children (birth through 26 years of age) who receive (or may be eligible to receive) special education services. The incident streamed live on Facebook while thousands watched. Any questions please call 231-832-2840. Reed City High School school profile, performance trends and MI state ranking. Our expertise spans a wide range of educational issues. 4�:9ͭUHڝg�Φ�W�.�x���Z�$�6�4,�x�}B�U���˜�WG���$����П�s�z����� 6��#u�#���B/��ў�l6 ��� `���D1 These special education policies are required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education (MARSE). The time from the districts receipt of a consent to evaluate to the initial IEP is 30 school days. A review of existing evaluation data (REED) is the process of looking at a student’s existing data to determine if additional data are needed as part of an initial evaluation (if appropriate) or as part of a reevaluation. Reed retired from MSU in 1976. She worked as a teacher for 37 years until she retired in 2012 and continued to substitute teach for special education kids until her death. A district is not required to conduct additional assessments in order to terminate a student’s eligibility.  The REED is … A special education evaluation is to determine eligibility for special education programs and/or services and should be pursued only for that purpose. 0000003501 00000 n If your child's teacher has not contacted you, please contact your district's Director of Special Education. 0000009587 00000 n Jessica Reed Elementary Special Education Teacher at Associated Students of Michigan State University Lansing, Michigan Area 13 connections 0000003612 00000 n Council for Exceptional Children. While the REED process is not required by law for an initial evaluation, it is considered best practice to collect and review all existing evaluation data on a student before beginning an initial evaluation. His career at MSU lasted for nearly 40 years. Reed City Alt. Studied At. RTI cannot be used to delay or deny an evaluation. Teacher and Parent Resources for Children with Sensory Impairments. It is considered best practice to do the evaluation at a time when the data gathered could also be used for the next IEP meeting.Â. Michigan Special Education Reference (MI-SER) The MI-SER is a database of federal and state special education law and policy information and resources. Reed Library; Staff Directory; Tardy Policy; Uniform Policy; Buy Uniforms ; Order Transcripts; 2020-2021 Course Guide; New Student Enrollment Requirements; Records Requests and Ed. Michigan Alliance for Families is an IDEA Grant Funded Initiative of the Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education, and Michigan’s federal Parent-Training and Information Center (PTIC) funded by U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). Michigan Department of Education uses the term Review of Existing Evaluation Data (REED) to describe the review of existing evaluation data and evaluation planning process. Conflict with peers or adults. Developing Your Child's IEP. 0000008325 00000 n For more information about the SEPAC contact the MAISD Assistant Director of Special Education at 231-767-7251. Reed, who would have turned 22 Tuesday, was fatally shot on May 6 by an Indianapolis Metropolitan Police officer during a foot pursuit in the area of West 62nd Street and Michigan Road. Here are the matchups and game times for the 2020-21 Michigan high school football state playoff regional finals and eight-man semifinals, scheduled to continue Jan. 9: … Special Education Resources. ���AG. An initial IEP requires a Referral, a REED and a MET in addition to the IEP because it involves a decision of eligibility. See more about consent in regards to re-evaluation here. The IEP team must conduct a REED to determine what, if any, additional information is needed to determine that the student is no longer a student with a disability or no longer in need of special education programs or services. IMPORTANT DISCLAIMERS: Not all boundaries are included.We make every effort to ensure that school and district boundary data are up-to-date. 0000006171 00000 n View the profiles of people named Rebecca Reed. The IEP meeting will include a team of qualified professionals and the student’s parent/guardians. Adapted Physical Education Website. endstream endobj 471 0 obj<> endobj 472 0 obj<> endobj 473 0 obj<>stream Julie A. Reed Worked At. The district determines the student’s special education services or educational needs warrant a reevaluation; or. For students who receive special education services, eligibility status must be reviewed every three years, unless the parent and the district agree that reevaluation is not necessary. Education institutions worldwide look to Cognia for proven practices, insightful research, and strategies for the future. 0000001660 00000 n In the MSU College of Education, come prepared to learn and leave prepared to lead as an educator, researcher or health professional. Sign-up to receive email announcements from the Office of Special Education. Asperger's and Educational Hints. Join Facebook to connect with Rebecca Reed and others you may know. Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education  These are examples from different ISDs. Show All » View the profiles of people named Rebecca Reed. Find all Reed City, MI Director of Special Education jobs at iHireSchoolAdministrators.com. Seahawks notes: Nick Bellore’s Pro Bowl nod symbolizes Seattle’s special-teams prowess; Jarran Reed misses practice Dec. 24, 2020 at 4:24 pm Updated Dec. 24, 2020 at 6:31 pm The Special Education Staff Training Series is a 5 session training series held each fall to help new or returning staff become familiar with compliant special education practices in Lenawee County. Don’t see what you’re looking for? On Sunday, Nov. 15, Gov. The REED process requires the parent's input and participation. Contact the Special Education Assistance & Compliance Specialist @ the CCISD Special Education Department for … 0000002106 00000 n Assistant Vice President and Trust Officer. 0000001536 00000 n Michigan Department of Education has required each district to develop a Continuity of Learning Plan that addresses how the district will continue to provide an education to your child. Evaluation (and particularly reevaluation) begins with a review of existing  data available for the child, and may include the child’s classroom work, discipline records, performance on State or district assessments, and information provided by the parents.Â. Jessica Reed Elementary Special Education Teacher at Associated Students of Michigan State University Lansing, Michigan Area 13 connections Need more help? A special prosecutor has been appointed in the fatal officer-involved shooting of 21-year-old Dreasjon Reed. SchoolDigger data sources: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Census Bureau and the Michigan Department of Education. H�|�KoTG���W��D��~?��+"�Gʆ�hG�l���N]�E ]W��z�:U�i .���3����;-/w���up�'�{:���W}xZ�w����,��-���}�����r����p|�����n�����W�p���}z�=}p/vz�>���rv�e�y�|�pr���{w�������?�7�������x����xz������ٛ��I������i��Zt�W��3�rq�������]_�������(R7��Z�J�[���?�P~�� S�7:�͎��N�IV^=�?�q{p�/�{yy��6��sw1?��|���4��m�YTŏf�ͥ��,=����W��g�w�_3��b��g8�Q)�Oޯ����;,d�[C�%G���k���c��|�"��~W�O�ܫ�x%e�qq�j�� t*��I��P��FHP�k>���=A�����һ�d�����IH� OR+0���CN��]f��k�!������&_�p9�ƫ��=ǹ�8e6���% �j���`�dm��ӊF�d� A student’s special education needs may change throughout the course of their educational career, and the reevaluation process is developed to assess these evolving needs. Find Special Education & Care local business listings in and near Reed City, MI. We provide current information on rules, regulations, procedures and policies in the operation of special education for local districts, Public School Academies and MISD Schools. Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) A consortium of school districts, within a geographical service area, responsible for ensuring that every child eligible for special education receives appropriate services. xref If your child's teacher has not contacted you, please contact your district's Director of Special Education. The Oakland Schools Department of Special Education, or Special Populations, is dedicated to providing leadership and services that strengthen the capacity of schools, families and communities to support the success of students with and individualized education program (IEP). We believe education can succeed in an environment where safety and consistency encourages follow through and accountability from all staff and students. Whitmer announced that all Michigan high schools and colleges will be closed for in-person classes for three weeks. Become a teacher, study kinesiology or join one of our nationally ranked graduate programs, including online master’s degrees. IEP Team: The team of qualified professionals made up of the parent, special education teacher, interpreter of test data, district representative, and general education teacher at a minimum. Michigan Department of Education uses the term Review of Existing Evaluation Data (REED) to describe the review of existing evaluation data and evaluation planning process. individualized education programs (commonly referred to as ‘initials’) are activities undertaken for a child who is not currently receiving special education services. Whether or not a REED is used for an initial evaluation, parent consent for initial special education evaluations must be obtained. Education Program School in Reed City, Michigan (MI) - Test Results, Rating, Ranking, Detailed Profile, and Report Card ... Special Education Enrollment: 30 Special Education Female Enrollment: 14 Special Education Male Enrollment: 16. Curriculum and Communication Technology. K-8 … ge�"^��W��Og���Y�tV8+����_����o��EQ��E-�Z�k1�b�4x= �FO�����i�4x= �FO�����i�4x�����d8��� ��7�ϓ��'�}�Us��8R�/��)���5��0���_�W� Qz�� All Rights Reserved. 1/�S��0h�&bļ�CƩ⇲*g3�FJg����#��MF3d]D��@J~&�zC��J�;��YR$2��4�R��`���ˁ�)j< %PDF-1.6 %���� Includes Special Education forms published by the Michigan Department of Education. Special Education Teacher Requirements: • Fingerprint Clearance • Arizona Special Education License Type of Employment: Contractual Special Education Teacher Job information: Middle School ; Self Contained -EI 0000005061 00000 n 464 0 obj <> endobj There is no model form for REED provided by the state. If something is missing in the IEP, it is important to go back to the PLAAFP statement to see if that specific area of need was actually identified. Verified Name Match. Special Education Timelines. It is not required that an LEA/PSA conducts additional assessments 0000002705 00000 n D���h��Z�¬�8�3q.e�nΛ�.�˱o΋rA������_۹iKh\%���` ǜ� Sometimes a child has needs that are not addressed by the current IEP.  It may be that need was not identified in the evaluation data. The IEP Team may conduct a REED for an initial evaluation if appropriate. 0000002669 00000 n �0ư.`4pa�Z�(�(��(��!Q� j$�����YF7�v��qH8�y sI There are many indications that a child may need to additional services and support as a special education student. Michigan Alliance for Families is an IDEA Grant Funded Initiative of the Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education, and Michigan’s federal Parent-Training and Information Center (PTIC) funded by U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Special Education in Reed City, MI. Individualized Education Program (IEP): A legal document that defines special education services between the school district and the parents. REED to determine what, if any, additional information is needed to determine that the student is no longer a student with a disability or no longer in need of special education programs or services. Neil E. Reid High School offers an academic and behavioral program for students with severe emotional impairments in Macomb County. A REED is required when a student is exiting from special education programs & services (but continuing in general education). We provide current information on rules, regulations, procedures and policies in the operation of special education for local districts, Public School Academies and MISD Schools. U.S. Rep. Haley Stevens (D-Rochester Hills) has won reelection in Michigan's 11th congressional district against Republican challenger Eric Esshaki. Be sure to visit our Evaluation and Eligibility webpage for more resources on this topic. Data from evaluations determines eligibility for special education and is used throughout the IEP process, especially in the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance statement. Special Education Teacher Requirements: • Fingerprint Clearance • Arizona Special Education License Type of Employment: Contractual Special Education Teacher Job information: Middle School ; Self Contained -EI Oct 9, 2017 - Local artists with special needs in the Reed City area are coming together to have their work seen and heard. Neil Reid Information Neil E. Reid High School offers an academic and behavioral program for students … Parents can request additional evaluations be done if there are concerns that areas of need are not being identified and addressed. Get Special Education & Care business addresses, phone numbers, driving directions, maps, reviews and more. The Oakland Schools Department of Special Education, or Special Populations, is dedicated to providing leadership and services that strengthen the capacity of schools, families and communities to support the success of students with and individualized education program (IEP). This team determines eligibility for special education based on the MET recommendation as well as eligibility requirements as defined by the Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education. View Ashley Reed’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Tyree K. Williams, 22, told police she shot Max Reed, 31, of Merrillville, early Dec. 15 inside an apartment in the 3600 block of Michigan Court as Reed held him Search the bigger A-Z list or contact us. All of our flyers are PDFs, which can be viewed with a free download of the Adobe Acrobat Reader. This website can help you with finding information on special education issues as well as disability specific information. Each SELPA’s Local Plan, based on Federal and California law and regulations, describes how special education services are provided. 0000000716 00000 n Special Education Resources & Documents Evaluation Considerations During COVID-19 As of the publication of this document, there has been no waiver of federal timelines related to special education compliance. Join Facebook to connect with Rebecca Reed and others you may know. See how Reed City High School ranks with other Reed City schools. Michigan Alliance for Families is an IDEA Grant Funded Initiative of the Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education, and Michigan’s federal Parent-Training and Information Center (PTIC) funded by U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). Ashley has 1 job listed on their profile. It is not required for a REED to be completed in a formal meeting. 0000008151 00000 n Some of those signs may be: Trouble with school work such as in reading or math. ]�d���x���a`'{���@>J�Օ�1`��IE>>R���#5��ܚ'�^--K�i�Z4%k��aYU���ɲtK-;3�*+�1���p�37�I��F���n3�.�X����},4dD(�$P��)�l��(�y����o�o��?6��%n)�P9�����ۏǗ����翏0�^G�t�ux$���,u��e�`aJ$GT6ɸ"�aa�sBH�aWs���RI|d�5��PI�,��;~�S�mPǵ�g.��P �Pύ|�y�Z� �0���ݤ�G��T��D��R��Ü�� ����y�L�*�Za$��|��G�Y�0W�f)r�"F�pг�0p�i�Bu�9+�!����[�.���o��j%��8%O�\������G6dp"��$�#�b��1 7������2/��gk�ȶ�K�;�%"�u�U��M��S������`a�}�0:�3�QWD='���PV���J�5s+�Z:��J8��)�D��Ё�0����Y�e~\X���6��;��6�wHθe�M���t���_��g��Zk4��������+�7��@'n��2b^B_[��D)!ڋ2��)G�73N�q�=��K�iAd������Cqڐ߁6�/ߍ��L��_�ʰ��X���n�iɀ�~����W!n�y�j���1�И�#:�?$�4X��W���3�ց����׽�!3D�&�'���o��#|Z��[Q�-�����" ��Rh�w���Y_jVޯ�Mڡ�Gˌyۙ(������qz���\��]2M�����#� 0000007227 00000 n The purpose of this review is to decide if the existing data is sufficient or if additional information is needed. In addition to teaching courses on composition at MSU, Reed as also a member of a faculty ensemble called the "Geriatric Six." endstream endobj 465 0 obj<>/Metadata 462 0 R/Pages 458 0 R/StructTreeRoot 118 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 466 0 obj<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>>>/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 467 0 obj<> endobj 468 0 obj[/ICCBased 482 0 R] endobj 469 0 obj<> endobj 470 0 obj<>stream RTI is an early intervention strategy within general education and is also one way to identify students who need special education services. Students attending Neil E. Reid are provided courses aligned with the Michigan Merit Curriculum as outlined in the Curriculum Guide found in this publication. Oakland Schools is a regional service agency that offers support services to school personnel that are best delivered regionally and provide cost, size and quality advantages to those we serve. 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