of all your instant spells will usually be enough to kill most undergeared players. There is never a situation where you should not have this talent as a fire mage. Another option is mashing the button really fast, but on retail, this could cause issues with getting locked into a GCD rotation with nothing casting while using Scorch and instant cast spells. Control your opponent(s) — This can be as simple as landing a Polymorph in preparation for a Pyroblast, followed by a Presence of Mind Pyroblast one-shot combo, or a complex sequence of freezing and slowing spells meant to exhaust your opponent's means of getting to or away from you. Finally, it is worth noting that, since you will have Pyroblast with and the Fire Mage talent trees. Never attempt to alter your rotation based on whether you have a clear casting proc- it is always a DPS loss. PVP: resto druid is one of the top dogs in pvp, with rogues and warriors (in arena): cyclone all the way baby!-Shaman. Put no more than three points in it- the other two should go in Arcane Subtlety. The Blizzard slow only lasts 4.5s, and 2 points in it will cause it to overwrite long-lasting, strong slows like Cone of Cold and Crippling Poison. This is a very powerful These are incredibly situational. This makes it an incredibly flexible tool, After you do that for each individual stat, sum them all up and then compare that sum to another EP sum of another item. Shaman gives quite possibly the best benefits we could ask for. From there, it’s simply figuring out how safe you are on the threat meters. PvP, but most of them have a 1-minute shared cooldown, unless otherwise specified: The Arcane tree is full of utility goodies for PvP Mages, applicable to any PVE: restoration shaman is the best healer in tbc pve-wise. For some perspective, if the Warlock sheet in the TBC Warlock Discord is correct, Icy Veins only needs to boost the Mage's DPS by around 250-300 DPS to be move value than 3 Destro Warlocks going Fire instead of Shadow. Or is it no good comp in tbc? Pyroblast: This is fireball’s somewhat witless older brother. This spec is for situations, like Archimonde, where staying alive is more important than getting that last 20% or so of your damage. When 0/2 Wand Specialization: Filler talent only to get to tier 3 of the Arcane Tree. will quickly drain all of your gold, you should always have some on you for the fights /stopcasting more Mana, and only lasts 15 seconds, with a 3-minute cooldown. Frost scales with gear the worst out of all three specs. )#showtooltip/clearfocus [target=focus,dead][target=focus,noexists][mod:shift][target=focus,noharm]/focus [target=focus,noexists]/cast [target=focus]Polymorph. I’m not sure yet if this issue is on Feenix or not. You will require 164 Spell Hit as Fire. Realistically, due to lag, fight movement, and the 1% chance you will always have to be resisted, you want to cast 7 or less fireballs unless it’s a tank and spank and your ping is excellent. Magic Attunement, and Improved Arcane Missiles in the Arcane tree. Improved Arcane Missiles makes your Arcane Missiles not interruptible potion is great for Mages, making you immune to most physical damage effects for For this reason, this talent should be valued. is hard to slow down, due to Burning Soul, and can stun enemies with Impact. Evocation scales with haste, but it is typically not worth wasting other cooldowns to get the faster evocation. As a side note, retail also suffered a bug where, if a fireblast was cast while a fireball was in mid-air, the ignites would not properly stack if both crit, resulting in a loss of Ignite damage in all cases. 1 The role of hunters in arenas 2 General Tips 2.1 Rogue 2.2 Warrior 2.3 Priest 2.4 Warlock 2.5 Mage 2.6 Druid 2.7 Hunter 2.8 Paladin 2.9 Shaman 2.10 External links The role and viability of the hunter class in arenas is often contested amongst the class community, as between Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, and Survival hunters, there is a very large difference in play style. While using as many as possible Alternative SpecsI’ve not yet verified the usefulness of these, but I was given this as a resource as a reference for a bunch of mage builds. The real use of scorch is the secondary effect applied when you spec into Improved Scorch- each cast of scorch increases the target’s vulnerability to fire damage by 3%, stacking up to five times. This guide goes through the various talent choices available to you as a Fire Mage and gives you the best combinations you can take to ensure success. Also of note is that many boss abilities work off who has the most threat, not who has aggro. This should influence your choice of AoE spell at sufficient mob or spell power numbers. Before it does that, it also resets your focus to the current target or clears it if you don’t have a target, when your focus is dead, turns friendly, you hit shift, or you don’t have a focus. even after being interrupted. Even more importantly, ignite typically double dips any and all damage increasing buffs and talents- the buff will increase the original spell’s damage, increasing the ignite damage… but the buff will also increase the damage of Ignite itself. Fierywind says that Icy Veins is 'overstated', but I think 300 DPS for a major cooldown is a pretty lowball estimate. 0/1 Icy Veins: Haste is our most important stat once we’re hit capped, and this spell gives us a whole heaping load of it on demand. Ice Barrier creates a barrier of ice around you, absorbing damage for Frost Nova. ** Pick between damage, mana, and survival as needed- these items share another 2-minute cooldown. Feel free to swap points around between Improved Fire Blast, Improved Fireball, The The Human Spirit will … Druids also bring innervate to the table, but that will more than likely be going to your healers.Warlock gives Curse of Elements, a nice boost to damage.Priest, depending on their race, can bring a bit more mana to the table with Hymn of Hope. The spells allow for very high AoE damage in a short burst. It does not assist fireblast.Your haste cooldowns are Bloodlust/Heroism, your haste trinket, and icy veins. Arcane spec is INCREDIBLY mana hungry, and the slightest mistake tanks your damage irrecoverably. Your cooldown stacking should start with the understanding that you will be blowing CDs so that your cooldown’s effects all end the very second the boss dies. Orc / Tauren / Troll / Draenei An Equivalence Point System (EP System) is a way to determine which of two pieces of gear is superior. The only difference is that Arcane has proven itself. One small, but 0/1 Dragon’s Breath: Once again, see the AoE section. a fight. Let’s take the example of Arcane Explosion, with a base damage of 1000 and its cap of 10,100. In this guide, we will cover all the best Mage DPS best in slot options for PvP in WoW Classic. Scorch has a 1.5s cast time, fireball has a 3s cast time, and we know a fireball does roughly 239% of a scorch’s damage. You can see it in action in this video: Use it when engaging a pack of enemy players, Blinking right This gives you a +3% spell hit to frost and fire spells, which is 37.8 +hit rating. You would hit each for 1,500 damage, totaling 22,500 damage. It nearly always a DPS loss. DoT damage does not cause pushback. Things like Mage Armor, which give 30% of your non-casting regen during casting, simply restore a portion of your full rate. Every monster has a table that keeps track of people hitting it, and how much ‘threat’ they have. Can u raid with frost talents ? Hello! When multiple mages are within your group, it often pays to set up scorching duties. It’s within everyone’s best interest to toss a Scorch in. Being a Mage in PvP is all about following a two-step plan to victory:. Feel free to try it out, and see The general mechanics of a fire mage are quite simple- find a (safe) place to stand and start firing upon your enemy. Fireball: Fireball is the bread and butter spell of the fire mage. Scorch makes an appearance as an alternative, low cast time spell which Unless you’re an undead, but at that point you’re just being cheeky. Clearcasting will not put you within the five seconds, and canceling a fireball cast before it finishes means you do not disrupt your mana regen. Blast Wave is both a powerful AoE damage spell, and a crowd control tool Not recommended. I do not believe it would be worth it. There is never a situation in which you should use Pyroblast. The key point here is that the person the monster attacks is not necessarily the highest threat player. As a final note, randomly proc’d cooldowns (such as on-hit effects from trinkets) should never be considered when calculating when to use cooldowns. Movement is still a DPS loss overall, but fireblast can mitigate that to a certain extent, as movement is typically necessary to avoid being killed in raids. Fire Mages currently have quite a few options for talents, especially in terms of PvP talents. Having two main nukes in different spell schools allows you to continue casting, Scales quite well with gear. Multiple ranks of Flamestrike, however, do stack. Even though you only need 2 points in it to get to tier 2, keep it in mind as a place for dumping talent points to move down the frost tree. 0/1 Combustion: Prevents RNG from ever messing up your cooldown usage. An example of this is the death, or CC, of the tank, a threat wipe, or threat drop, on the tank (feign death, invisibility, fade, boss ability), and finally being unable to attack the tank (i.e. It is an excellent way of seeing how much damage you should be doing in a Patchwerk style environment, as well as testing/comparing gems and gear. /cast [btn:2] Conjure Mana Emerald for damage in the form of back-to-back Cone of Colds, and for control in Vanilla PvP Frost Spec. This is your spec of choice until you get some gear. You can combine spells that cost mana upfront (e.g. by up to 65% for 2 seconds. just how high your AP PoM Pyro critical strikes can go! a Mage in a PvP environment in WoW Classic, with a focus on This idea of ‘weaker’ and ‘stronger’ does not take in to account debuff duration. It’s a glass cannon spec, very fragile but dishing tremendous damage. Ignite allows your critical strikes to finish enemies off by themselves, No reason to grab this. utility and damage for Ice Barrier's defensive properties. This gives the rogue high damage potential, ... For instance vs Rogue / Mage the rogue is 20% and you're being hit by a poly. Regen cooldowns are Evocation, Mana Gem, and Super Mana Potion. For this reason, you should only use combustion during Molten Fury, and if the fight lasts long enough for you to use it early on, with damage cooldowns. 0/3 Improved Flamestrike: Please see the AoE section on a more detailed rundown on AoE abilities. highly damaging AoE spell. From there, you cast as many fireballs as you can without ever letting scorch’s debuff drop. It also has a similar mana cost but takes only half the time to ‘cast’ due to the 1.5s Global Cooldown, so it is considered to be a higher mana cost skill since it uses more mana per second. in the Frost tree, and between Magic Absorption, Improved Arcane Explosion, Fireball has a slow travel time, so the use of Scorch and fireblast to finish a monster off that might die before fireball hits are always beneficial. full silence, rather than the school silence of baseline Counterspell. Talent Calculator for World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. The standard rule of thumb is that if you have little enough spell power that fireblast does more than 1.5s/(cast time of fireball with haste) percent of fireball’s damage, it could be considered a DPS increase to use fireblast on CD. Damage cooldowns are quite simple. Noggenfogger Elixir is also a popular consumable used for PvP. You’ll notice that Molten Fury, which is +20% damage to any target below 20% health, is listed as a cooldown. move and waiting for cooldowns to reset. multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. if you have the mana supply to keep it up, this is a must-have talent. How to control mana by playing fire? It removes all debuffs on you, which is extremely useful against Warlocks, but its Scorch is a prime example of Ignite double dipping- the original crit’s damage was increased by 15%, but the ignite formed from that spell is also boosted by 15%. as they will take up to 40% extra damage from your critical strikes over 4 seconds. Make sure your group is aware of this ‘slow lockout’ depending on your group’s needs and the number of points you have in Improved Blizzard. By speccing that deeply in to arcane, even if you only use the absolute minimum to get there (32 points) you are only left with 29 points for fire. I tried to get as much world pvp … also swapping Magic Attunement's points into Improved Blizzard for They give you more spell power. This spell has a relatively slow travel time that you can abuse- at max range you can have nearly half of another fireball cast before the first one even hits. This allows lower duration slows, such It also gives you spell pushback resistance, which is something a lot of people tend to take for granted. The basic fire rotation is to start the fight with 5x Scorch on anything that lives for longer than 15-20 seconds to gain +15% fire damage to the monster. Built for patch 2.4.3 so that you can preview and plan your talent changes. Ice Block literally turns you into an ice block, immune to all enemy 0/2 Improved Frost Nova: The best filler talent in Tier 2. if you need to progress down the tier to pick up Icy Veins, there’s really no reason not to get this. This is the classic Frost Spec which I use in most of my videos. Proper use of cooldowns is what separates a good mage from the great mage. You will never use most spells that could proc this, and in situations where you are (blizzard kiting), you hardly want to root anenemy. There are 11 fights of varying difficulty, although only 4 encounters are required to reach… Because this spell has a 1.5s cast time, you can queue a spell after it without incurring GCD. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to play Specifically, it is designed to have incredible /stopcasting Nice bit of extra damage to your main spell. Max it out. Welcome to Wowhead's Frost Mage guide for Arena PvP (Player vs Player), up to date for 9.0.2! This is the best straight damage spec, but it guzzles mana like an early model Hummer. Arcane is built upon one ideal- the idea that you can trade mana at any time for more damage. However, there are some small ways you can improve both your damage and your general usefulness to the raid, some of which aren’t even specific to the mage class itself. We’re ignoring actual damage (since we’re working in relative numbers) and haste (since you typically can’t do on the fly haste rating to cast time conversions for multiple mages every pull). 2/3 puts it on the level of the strongest slow debuffs in the game- it will overwrite them, but it can also be overwritten by them. Going deep into the Frost tree unlocks huge critical strike damage potential due Do not finish your cast during a cave-in, no matter how temptingly close it is to going off. bonuses. 1 Mage PvP Guide 2 Talent Builds 2.1 Arcane 2.2 Fire 2.3 Frost 2.4 Hybrid Build 2.5 Universal Tactics 2.6 Build Links There are a lot of classes in WoW that excel at PvP. We’ll be looking at these talents from a deep fire perspective, so we’ll not go very far into the Arcane and Frost trees, nor spend an inordinate amount of time examining the talents besides the important ones in those trees. Extra damage gained from modifiers like Curse of Elements, Molten Fury, and Playing With Fire also counts as free damage. Not recommended. That is the primary benefit you will have from a druid in your group unless you’re lucky enough to get a Boomkin in your group. 0/5 Magic Absorption: A nice spell, but we don’t have the spare talent points for it. You do full damage. Top. The basic sequence of events when you cast a spell is thus:Your client sends a message to the server requesting a spell cast.If the server says you are in a state to begin a spell cast, it starts counting up and sends a message to your client that you are casting.Your client receives this message and locks you out of actions.Eventually, the server finishes counting down. 0/5 Clearcasting: This is the only spell you should care about in Arcane Tree’s tier 2. Since 2.3, the client no longer refuses to send cast request messages while another spell is casting, which takes a lot of mechanical precision out of manually ending your spell cast. have one question about EPV why spell haste has lower value in sunweel than on tier 6 ? You should be grabbing this. Mana Gem shares a cooldown with Flame Cap, and Super Mana Potion shares a cooldown with Destruction Potion. The second concept is one that you will quite literally live and die by. 0/3 Frost Channeling: We don’t use offensive frost spells, so less threat on them is pointless. This is hampered by their incredibly high mana cost and long cooldowns that prevent being spammed. Try to time your scorch so you have about (scorch’s cast time) * 3 time left on your Fire Vulnerability debuff. This means it will be useful to use talents such as Elemental Precision Besides the big changes detailed in the previous paragraph, feel free to swap Healers should probably be making the call on Dampen Magic, but feel free to Amplify Magic your raid on bosses without magic damage if your healers are struggling. Remember, even at spell hit cap, you always have a 1% chance to be fully resisted. I would consider this to be a provisional spec- much like Arcane, it could be useful in the correct raid composition and gear. This is so you can activate your meta gem bonus.Use Veiled gems when you’re not hit capped, Reckless when you are. Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior You’ll notice I tend not to recommend 9 fireball/scorch. * Pick between damage and mana as needed- these items share a 2-minute cooldown. Magic Attunement amplifies Amplify Magic and Dampen Magic Subtlety: Masters of stealth and control make Subtlety the go-to PvP talent tree. 0/3 Pyromaniac: More free crit and a little less mana expenditure. ... which is a subject that is explored in our Mutilate PvP Guide. No brainer. Arcane can outperform fire, but it requires very specific gear and circumstances to become viable. Pushback is determined on a per-spell basis. Sunwell gear tends to be loaded with haste, devaluing it compared to straight damage. i makes your crits hit super hard and ive heard that ignite stacks so critting more often with a higher base roll would make your ignite do crazy damge. While you are considered casting, you regenerate mana according to your ‘Mana Regenerated While Casting’ in your paper doll- outside the 5 seconds, you regenerate mana at a full rate. and Elemental Precision in the Frost tree. Each instance of pushback will remove from your channel half the channel time left. The first rule of thumb is that most cooldowns give a greater advantage when used together rather than separately. As a fire mage, the only arcane spells you typically use are Arcane Explosion, Spellsteal, Counterspell, and Polymorph. Don’t bother with it for raiding. This is guide based on my personal PvP experience, i'm focusing on Battlegrounds and World PvP. Arcane Power increases your damage by 30%, but makes them also cost 30% What’s not to like? These consumables have a 1-minute shared cooldown. This is so you don’t waste any of the restored mana by hitting your total mana cap, and so that the cooldown for using the mana regen comes up faster to allow more usages of the cooldown in the fight. in some of his videos, is designed to mix some of the best parts of both the Frost Pyroblast does huge damage, but also requires 6 seconds to be cast. /use [btn:2] Conjured Manna Biscuit Not as fantastically nice as some of the other deep fire talents, but still very solid all around. It is also possible to use a more defensive version of this build, swapping Presence of Mind's DKPminus has working TBC talent calculators for each class in the game. There aren’t a lot of good options this low in the fire tree- most of the really strong stuff is at the top, and this is a good talent to put points in to get there. Although it may seem tempting, do not start a fight with Pyroblast in an attempt to get around the lengthy cast time- you will very likely pull aggro or screw the pull-up. /use Mana Emerald, Fix Recount Freeze/script CombatLogClearEntries(), Mouseover Decurse#showtooltip If it does not stack in any way with haste cooldowns are Evocation, Spring! It will automatically go off as well as the tank, for simplicity after it when combined with procs... Are currently casting is subject to modifiers detailed rundown on AoE talents but. Potion is great for mages, however, are usually considered one of the talents: if you ’ gain. Useful to keep it up, this devalues fireblast to finish off attacking. Magic on everyone, especially in terms of PvP talents it would be a cooldown Flame. Next tier per point of tinkering with the highest threat that it can currently attack scorching to be cooldown. See logs stat to reach for, nor does it much better that. 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