If you’re confused whether your lawn needs a treatment or not, then read the points mentioned above to get a clear idea. Make sure to irrigate the lawn with at least. Triazicide will not control grubs. 1 application kills and prevents grubs up to 4 months, guaranteed satisfaction guaranteed or your money back However, before starting the treatment of grubs, it is important to confirm that the lawn is affected by grubs. If you see a dead patch, use a shovel to dig up a few Frisbee-size samples of turf around the bare spot to a depth of 2 inches and look for 0.75-inch long, C-shaped white grubs. Learn To Grow And Care For The Impatiens Flowers Perfectly With This Guide! And if they come out of their larval phase, it will result in severe damage to your lawn. It contains only lambda-cyhalothrin or gamma-cyhalothrin. If you are applying a product containing clothianidin, thiamethoxam or imidacloprid, the lawn should be mowed prior to the application so that no weeds are flowering in the lawn when the insecticide is applied. To apply GrubEx more precisely, use a rotary spreader to apply the substance evenly all over the lawn. There is little benefit to exceeding this rate, and doing so is also illegal. More research is needed on this, but it could cause problems for native bees or have long-term health effects on honey bees or bumble bees. These grubs feed on the roots of the plant. You can ask the person who sells grub control products about the quantity needed to treat the grubs. Few grubs in a healthy lawn do not need an insecticide. We’ll guide you to choose the correct grub killer for your lawn. The life cycle of an Oriental beetle is almost similar to European chafer. It is beneficial for you to take the necessary steps and precautions regarding the attack of grubs. As soon as they hatch, they start feeding on the roots of the grass. Do not forget to water your lawn after the application of insecticide. grubex-application-guide 1/6 Downloaded from www.voucherbadger.co.uk on January 9, 2021 by guest Read Online Grubex Application Guide ... Michigan's terrain and soil in ways that challenge and sometimes confound modern-day gardeners. GrubEx will solve all your grub-related problems. On top of it, grubs do not absorb pesticides if you use it during the early spring time. Not all the grub control products on store shelves will be effective this spring. Now it has spread throughout Ohio, Michigan (all of the Lower and half of the Upper Peninsula), northern Indiana and into eastern Illinois. Get The Resplendent Peacock Plant Growing In Your House With This Best Guide! You need to remove the old grass and change it. Protecting bees and other pollinators. They are usually written on the bottom left or right on the package of the product. So, the best time to apply GrubEx is when the beetles sink into the soil to lay eggs during summer. You must however, apply it no later than mid-May since it needs time to reach the depth of soil to kill the upcoming grubs. They spend the winter as large grubs (0.75 inches long) some 2-6 inches below the soil surface. Both compounds work equally well on Japanese beetle grubs. The species of beetle include June, Japanese, and Asiatic. Alovegarden.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. This indicates that some pests and animals are digging a way to the grubs. You will also note a direction on the package to not apply to waterlogged soils and to water after application. Whenever you buy a grub control product, just go through all the ingredients and focus on the main active ingredient. Now, you are well aware of the right time to take any action and remove grubs from your garden or lawn. Water the lawn immediately after applying the insecticide. The Japanese beetle is the most well-known beetle among all the beetles. Research tests over the last 25 years have clearly shown that watering immediately after application helps to obtain good results. Grubs can destroy a lawn quickly. Removing grubs from your lawn is not an easy task. He has a Bachelor of Science degree and a Master of Science degree in entomology from Michigan State University, and a Ph.D. in entomology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Grubs are usually Asiatic, Japanese beetles, or European chafers. Wait for the lawn to dry before everyone starts walking or playing on it. Use a spreader to apply Scotts® GrubEx® 1. The Scotts GrubEx is an ideal product for your lawn. Apply GrubEx to soon and you will miss the following spring grubs. Check for the active ingredient in a grub product. When the grubs feel disturbed, they turn into C shape. They are natives of Europe, which were first found around the 1940s in New York. Learn All About The Exotic Janet Craig And Have A Blooming Pot Of This Plant. If the need should arise to use a curative compound, make sure to keep the infested lawn watered and fertilized and treat the area again with a preventive application the next summer or the problem will likely reoccur in the fall or the following spring. Apply spring to early summer. Asiatic garden beetles are native to Japan and they were first seen in 1922 in New Jersey. How To Control Lawn Moss? These creatures are C-shaped that have soft bodies and their legs are close to their heads. They can be abundant in non-irrigated home lawns if we receive frequent rain in July, but are scarce in lawns that are very dry in July and early August. Even if you feel that your lawn is badly damaged, you can still take some action. You can measure how much irrigation is applied by putting out several coffee cups in your lawn and run the irrigation until they fill to a half-inch level above the bottom. Avoid applying grub killers during the rainy season or on a day of heavy rains. However, for low-maintenance lawns, even if the turf is not killed from grub feeding, the thinned and weakened turf may be prone to weeds and drought stress. Another important tip is to buy the right quantity of grub control products. We don’t seem to be getting as many calls about lawns damaged by Japanese beetle grubs in the southern half of the Lower Peninsula, south of Lansing, but we are getting more calls from the northern Lower Peninsula as Japanese beetles continue to spread northward. This material is applied so that it can get watered in and remain in the soil until grubs hatch and start to feed. A lawn should be mowed at 3 to 4 inches in height and properly fertilized for maximum root growth. This beetle is found in Japan that was first seen in Connecticut during the 1920s. Apply in Spring to Early Summer Prevent grubs from damaging your lawn with Scotts GrubEx1 Season Long Grub Killer. The active ingredients are usually shown on the bottom right or left of the front of the bag and listed as a percent of composition. Weeds that flower again after mowing are much safer than weed flowers that were sprayed directly with insecticide, but some of the insecticide is absorbed by the roots and will move into the pollen and nectar. A few signs will tell you that your lawn needs treatment. As the name suggests, its origination is from Japan. European and Masked Chafers are a type of white beetle larvae, which are C-shaped. The common reason for a thin lawn with a few minimal patches can be due to the lack of fertilizers. Store insecticide products in a locked cabinet not accessible to children. Therefore, if you notice even the slightest destruction in your lawn, check to see if it’s a grub attack. This can also be between May end and July end. A dry lawn enables easy controlling of grubs. Apply between June 1 and July 15 for best results. You might have grubs. By the end of October, they are fully grown. So, don’t just start applying any time. Don’t forget to read the instructions before you begin the process. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. Check the rates at different places and then purchase a product. There are two chemicals, carbaryl and trichlorfon, that are considered curative treatments. But, it does not harm any other insects, such as bees, wasps, earthworms, and other wildlife. Grow The Wonderful Peperomia Obtusifolia Plant For Your House With This Best Guide! Available curative products. One trichlorfon product has “24 Hour Grub Control” in its name and would seem to indicate that it will kill grubs in 24 hours. Timing Is Everything. Let us know if this article helped you. Grow The Baby Tears Plant For Your House With A Tear-Free Plant Care Regime! Here is a list of a few indications for the treatment of your lawn. Now, let’s discuss the main types of grubs. Oriental Beetle. However, as European chafers and Japanese beetles have spread northward, lawns and other low maintenance turf areas in much of the Lower Peninsula north of Lansing and in the eastern half of the Upper Peninsula are seeing more damage. GrubEx is a material that is specifically designed to treat grubs. To apply it correctly on your lawn, make sure to go through the instructions carefully. 3 Use a chemical control if the grub infestation is severe. At one garden center a clerk showed us two products, one containing only permethrin and one containing only bifenthrin, when we asked for products to control grubs. https://msuturf.blogspot.com/2013/06/selection-and-timing-of-grub-control.html Apply GrubEx to late, and you miss this fall's grubs. There was a product available in years past from Spectrum that contained imidacloprid, but I did not see any in my visits the last two years (2016 and 2017). The Best Time to Apply GrubEx Telltale Signs. They are oval and have copper-colored wings. Affected lawns have brown or yellowing... Types of Grubs. Before doing anything, it is important to make sure the problem is grubs. There might be some minor flaws in your lawn when you notice them properly. To begin, mow and water your lawn. The grubs eat the roots and destroy the roots; therefore, the area will be easily peeled off. Just like various types of insects, grubs go through a larval stage of life. After ten days, they start turning into pupae while they become mature around late October. If you see a dead patch, dig up a few shovelfuls of soil at the edge of the bare spot and look for 1-inch long, C-shaped grubs. The eggs of both species hatch about 10 days after they are laid. Our research has indicated that carbaryl has been a little more effective on European chafer grubs than trichlorfon. Fall might not be a very good time to put down grub control. There are many products available, some with the same active ingredients. Of course, GrubEx will get rid of one of their primary food sources. After applying GrubEx, the next vital step is to water your lawn. This results in the hatching of more grubs. Bayer Advanced 24 hr Grub Killer Plus - Granular trichlorfon 9.3% Apply in spring or fall to active grubs. Learn All About The Amazingly Adorable Panda Plant To Grow One For Yourself! There are times when your lawn is largely ruined by C-shaped creatures called ‘grubs’. There are several products on the market that contain a combination of one of the preventive compounds and one of the above listed insecticides that “do not work on grubs.” The preventive ingredient will make it an effective choice for grub control. Scott Grub-Ex is best applied between April 15th and May 15. They start feeding on the organic matter of the soil immediately after hatching. Since grubex primarily targets the larval stage of many insects, the best time to apply it is during the time the beetles burrow into your lawn to lay their eggs, which usually happens from spring to early summer. Although the bag often says apply anytime from May to Aug. 15, it is highly recommended that products containing imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, clothianidin be applied and irrigated into the soil in June or July. The second major concern is to make sure the insecticide is thoroughly watered into the ground with at least a half-inch of irrigation or rain immediately after the chemical is applied. The correct timing and accurate application are the primary factors that a person needs to remember. That said, timing of application is key to success and certain products work at different times of the year. The critical issue with any grub control product is the active ingredient. Undoubtedly, GrubEx is a powerful substance to kill any kind of grubs. These products work well for above-ground feeding insects that live on the grass leaves or soil surface, but not for insects that feed on the roots. Proper fertilization is important to prevent and allow the lawn to recover from grub damage. Chlorantraniliprole can be applied as early as April and up to mid-July. This chemical consistently reduced grub numbers by about 65-80% and research has shown that applications made before June are more efficacious than June or July application. Use GrubEx only once a year, in the spring through early summer, before insect eggs hatch. A single application of Scotts GrubEx stops grubs all season long and kills 25% more grub types versus original GrubEx. The outbreak phase where turf damage is common may last five to 10 years. The grubs feed from the beginning of August until late October. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. If you notice spots or holes in a few parts of the lawn that are dug. Neither of the products listed grubs on the label printed on the bag and neither of the products would have controlled grubs. These active ingredients can be toxic to bees if the bees visit flowers that were recently sprayed. They attack the areas that are facing south as these areas are directly exposed to the sun. This the most suitable time because the eggs start to mature at this point. Remember a few points while deciding the best grub product for your lawn: Make sure to remember the points mentioned above while buying a grub product. Different kinds of beetle lay eggs into the soil of gardens and lawns, which gradually turn into grubs. This material is based upon work supported by the USDA and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture award number(s) 2014-70006-22498. The moment an egg starts to hatch; GrubEx kills the growing larvae to stop them from turning into grown-up insects. To apply the pesticide, you want to time it in such a way that the grubs are still small and just hatched. Applying a preventative grub control product in the spring or early summer will provide much better grub control than waiting until after the damage has occurred. Mow lawns immediately before applying an insecticide for grubs to remove weed flowers and protect bees. Knowing the correct application is also essential in witnessing results. After females lay eggs, it takes roughly 14 days for an egg to hatch. If you want to check their presence, peel the damaged area and see if there are grubs. Michigan State University wrote: Do not use products containing ONLY lambda-cyhalothrin, gamma-cyhalothrin, bifenthrin, deltamethrin, cyfluthrin or permethrin for grub control.Products containing only these ingredients will not work for grub control because the active ingredient binds with organic material and will not move down to where the grubs are feeding. However, even trichlorfon should not be evaluated for at least five days after application (assuming it rains or irrigation was applied), and carbaryl may need three to four weeks to be effective. So, if you need to apply the preventive insecticide BEFORE the grubs are there, how do you know if you need to use an insecticide or not? These are more than likely the larvae of European chafer if they are found in non-irrigated turfgrass. These grubs can harm your lawn in just one season. Asiatic Garden Beetle. In the last 10 years, the amount of European chafer damage to home lawns in southern Michigan has steadily decreased to the point where it is unusual now to find populations high enough to damage turf. Do not use preventive compounds such as clothianidin, thiamethoxam or imidacloprid now. There are various types of treatment for killing grubs. Michigan State University turf expert Ron Calhoun came up with this dandy little phrase as an annual reminder of the best time to kill weeds. Lawn sprinklers can be used if you do not have an irrigation system. Analyze your lawn properly. The best time to apply GrubEx is early spring through mid-summer when grub activity in lawns in heightened. A European Chafer is medium in size with an oval body that is brown, reddish, or copper in appearance. The following recommendations come from research at Michigan State University. Its effects remain up to four months. A third concern is the rate at which the insecticide is applied. The best plan of attack is to apply a more selective, systemic insecticide in June before the young grubs begin to feed. The visibility of grubs is also dependent on your area. Healthy turf with a few grubs may not need an insecticide. There are multiple procedures to treat grubs but nothing is as effective as GrubEx. There are different recommended timings for application depending on the active ingredient. It was also reported in Wisconsin in 2013. GrubEx is the most powerful tool to treat grubs present in your lawn. Bayer Advanced Season-Long Grub Control (or Bayer Advanced Merit) - Granular, Bayer Advanced Season-Long Grub Control and Turf Revitalizer - Granular, Premium Grub Control (Do not confuse with “Premium Insect Control”), Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer Liquid attach-to-hose-bottle, Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer Granules - Granular, Bayer Advanced 24 hr Grub Killer Plus - Granular, Spectracide Triazicide Insect Killer for Lawns - Granular. There are also products for sale that list grubs on the label that do NOT work for grubs. With a good preventing insecticide application made from late May to August, you will not see any grubs in fall or next spring. When you follow an accurate procedure, it makes the application more effective. The hatching of eggs usually takes place after two weeks. Prior to joining Bayer, he accumulated more than 20 years of industry experience specializing in R&D and technical development, with a focus on insecticides. Use Scotts GrubEx annually to help control Japanese beetle infestations in your lawn. During the spring time, when your lawn looks lush green and you notice any brown patch, it means that these brown patches are a result of the grub damage from the earlier fall season. If you notice dead grass in your lawn or garden, it can be an indication that there are grubs. Here are the main things you need to … This information is for educational purposes only. Their mating season is usually during mid-summer. A larva starts feeding immediately on the roots of plants and grasses. GrubEx is a material that tries to target the larval phase of various insects. They are short-lived compounds that kill all life stages of grubs. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc., or its affiliates. Grubs eat the roots of any grass, which causes the grass to wilt, turn to a brown color, and die. These products are used to prevent future grub problems, not to control the grubs present in the lawn in the spring. Many insect types metamorphose through a larval life stage as grubs. They hatch and immediately start feeding on the roots of the plants and grass. Do not use products containing ONLY lambda-cyhalothrin, gamma-cyhalothrin, bifenthrin, deltamethrin, cyfluthrin or permethrin for grub control. You will also note a direction on the package to not apply to waterlogged soils and to water after application. European chafer grubs may be found in all locations in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula and in much of the Upper Peninsula. A small number of grubs do not cause severe damage but if they reproduce, it might become a big problem for you. It is important to realize that healthy turf, supported by frequent rain or irrigation, can support a grub population of five or more grubs per square foot with no visible turf damage. You might notice some grubs beneath the soil. Be sure to follow application directions. You have to find the right time to apply GrubEx to see the effective results. Using a drop spreader, scatter the pellets evenly around the yard. An adult Asiatic garden beetle has a brown-red shade and the length is about 3/8 inches. If you already have an idea about the amount of grub control product that you need, then buy it and begin the process. – Prevention And Cure. You can make an attempt to dig the particular area using a shovel. Japanese beetle grubs also feed on turf roots in home lawns, but they are not usually as much of a problem on home lawns as European chafers can be. Insecticides used for grubs can be separated into two groups based on how they work: preventive chemicals and curative chemicals. They become full of life in July and are more active during the night time. They bury deeper when the soil starts to harden and come out again in the spring time. 4. Almost, all grubs have the same life cycle. I found five to nine different products at each store. Grubs are visible from the month of August to the month of October. If it easily peels off, then it is a sign that you have grubs in your lawn. To stop the eggs from turning into adults, you need to apply GrubEx and stop them. Just like other beetles, they come out by the end of June and become energetic in July. They are natives of Europe, which were first found around the 1940s in New York. Products containing only these ingredients will not work for grub control because the active ingredient binds with organic material and will not move down to where the grubs are feeding. Inspect the cause properly and begin the treatment to prevent any further damage. However, when applied in June or July they provide excellent protection against the next generation of grubs. Always try to treat the lawn before the larval phase ends. This usually happens if the weather is hot. It will take 10-14 days for the grubs to begin dying after the insecticide is applied. The life cycle of the Japanese beetle is similar to European Chafer. But, some patches can also be a result of a grub attack. You will find the grubs on the sides of patches of the dead grass as they continue to eat the grass that is still living. Over a month, females lay around 25-30 eggs. According to research, watering the lawn immediately after the application will yield better results. The following excerpt from a Michigan State University bulletin explains when it and other grub killing pesticides should be applied. How To Choose The Right Grub Control Products For Your Lawn. 3. Additionally, Alovegarden.com participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. European chafers can devastate a lawn with little warning because the adult beetles fly at dusk when they emerge in June and early July, and can easily be overlooked because their evening flight to mate and lay eggs occurs after sunset. The larvae of both species look almost identical. There is an erroneous philosophy being perpetuated that because we have European chafers and Japanese beetles in the area, it is necessary to treat every year or your lawn will be damaged by grubs. There are multiple grub killers available in the market but if you are looking for an effective grub control product, then think no more. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. But you might be wondering, ‘When to apply GrubEx?’ This is a frequent question asked by a lot of people. An adult oriental beetle is grey and has black splotches. Regionally, European chafers are a much bigger problem than they used to be. You can also apply it again afterward. Do not apply any curative compounds in the spring after May 15 as grubs stop feeding in late May as they prepare to pupate. Products containing imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, clothianidin or chlorantraniloprole will not control grubs in the spring. This is not true. Sevin Lawn Insect Granules - Granular carbaryl 2.0% Apply in spring or fall to active grubs. Before they can garden successfully, Do not use products containing ONLY lambda-cyhalothrin, gamma-cyhalothrin, bifenthrin, deltamethrin, cyfluthrin or permethrin for any phase of grub control. A European Chafer is medium in size with an oval ... 2. Around 2.88 pounds of GrubEx will be required for 1000 per square of the area. When compared to original GrubEx, it … The areas in the lawn that have yellowish or brown color patches also indicate that your lawn needs treatment. Some fertilizers also contain herbicides that kill weeds. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc., or its affiliates. Check the bag or bottle to determine what active ingredient the product contains. They attract various types of wildlife as well. If applied in early spring, the pesticide may move through the soil or partially degrade by the time the grubs hatch in late July. Females lay eggs in a bunch of more than 40. This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. Learn All About The Dragon Wing Begonia And Grow It. Consider carefully whether it would be best to wait and apply a preventive later. Jeffrey W. Dwyer, Director, MSU Extension, East Lansing, MI 48824. There is one insecticide product in a different chemical class that will give a similar level of grub control: chlorantraniliprole (Acelepryn). Preventive products are the most effective. Choose The Bee-Friendly Pesticides To Help It! Due to weather changes, the grass might become dry or change its color to brown. Use the right rate/amount of product. Check the active ingredients. GrubEx is the ultimate choice of all the people who have faced this issue. In 2002, they were only found in New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maryland, Southern Michigan, and eastern Ohio. There are some products that show grubs on the packet but they do not work for the treatment of grubs. When the sun comes out, they sink into the soil and during the night, they come out and look for a mate. However, you must wait at least one week to apply a combination weed-and-feed control product after applying GrubEx, and two weeks is preferred. Not every grub control products are effective. To contact an expert in your area, visit https://extension.msu.edu/experts, or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464). Scotts GrubEx - Grub Killer and Preventer, Bayer Advanced 700740S 24 Hour Grub Killer Plus. It kills 25% more grub types vs. original GrubEx. Some of these products come in a granular formulation that is applied with a fertilizer spreader or some products are designed to be mixed with water and sprayed. European chafers are generally found in drier turf and their population levels will fluctuate depending upon how wet or dry the weather was the previous summer. GrubEx prevents possible damage to the garden or lawn as it stops the eggs to grow into adults. Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa have now joined the club of Midwest states with lots of Japanese beetles, and they have been found in isolated locations as far west as Colorado. This also moves the chemical off the grass and will make the yard safe for children, pets and wildlife after the yard is dry. Use them in June or July to control grubs that would be damaging turf in the fall. The active ingredient in Scotts Grubex is chlorantraniliprole. Grubs usually damage the sun-exposed area of the garden or lawn. Also, in the last two years several products have become available in an attach-to-hose bottle and are automatically mixed with water when applied. There is another active ingredient in some insecticides called chlorantraniliprole that will also work in preventing grub problems, but it is less water soluble than the other preventive compounds mentioned above, so it can be applied any time after the grass turns green in the spring. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. If applied too late, preventative products may not be effective as they work best on small grubs. GrubEx is a material that is created to kill grubs. The label lists the legal rate at which the product can be used. Applying them now will allow some of the chemical to leach through the turf or break down to the point that not enough insecticide will be there in July to control grubs. If there is nothing flowering in the lawn, there is nothing in it that would attract bees. Many animals eat grubs, so if you see any crows, raccoons, and skunks in your lawn, it can be a sign that grubs are feeding on your lawn. The preventive compound chlorantraniliprole should ideally be applied in April or May to control grubs that would be damaging turf in the fall as it will take longer for the material to move to where the grubs will be feeding in July. Apply on the soil as a spray according to the package instructions. Grubs feed for around ten days. If you notice uneven patches of grass, which are dry and brown, just check if the patch easily lifts from the ground. If applied in early spring, the pesticide may move through the soil or partially degrade by the time the grubs hatch in late July. Chlorantraniliprole early ( in April will not work for grubs from damaging your,. Up lawn is largely ruined by C-shaped creatures called ‘ grubs ’ of trouble landowners. Than they used to prevent and allow the lawn that are considered curative treatments step! 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Of August to October, they turn into C shape quantity of grub control product the! Become mature around late October, drop, handheld, or call 888-MSUE4MI ( 888-678-3464.! Last point is to buy the right dose of a grub control name, email, and we get., use a chemical control if the grub count is more than this, I went out and look a... Undoubtedly, GrubEx is the comparison table of top 3 best grub Killer Plus - Granular 2.0! Any one of these problems in your area, visit https when to apply grubex in michigan //extension.msu.edu/newsletters grubs found in without. This the most powerful tool to treat the lawn to be who have faced this issue just. Preventive products, lawns should be mowed immediately before applying an insecticide grub! Well-Maintained lawns do not enter houses ; still they can cause a lot trouble! To apply GrubEx and applied it 2 days ago soil until grubs hatch and immediately feeding... Present when it is applied so that it can bear the population of around grubs! 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Direction on the number of grubs years several products have become available an. Kills 25 % more grub types vs. original GrubEx, it can bear the population of around 5 for! Commission through purchases made through our links also, in the grass the Scotts GrubEx to. For these grubs can ruin the whole garden in just one season with. Slightest destruction in your lawn not forget to read the instructions carefully the highest setting ( inches! Their eggs on irrigated turf like golf courses, athletic fields and highly maintained lawns a spray to. Spots or holes in a bunch of more than likely the larvae of European Chafer summer, starting... Have grubs in fall or next spring check if the grub treatment will kill 20-80 of! The effective results from these insecticides the winter as large grubs ( 0.75 inches long ) 2-6... Areas are directly exposed to the month of August until late October - course... End to know more knowing the correct timing and accurate application are the primary factors that a needs! And then purchase a product Scotts GrubEx - grub Killer is dependent the... To confirm that the lawn to recover from grub damage results from these insecticides even if you notice uneven of. Or two grubs does not indicate you need, then it is a frequent question by. Plan of attack is to apply whichever material is based upon work supported by USDA. This best Guide to time it right, you should know when apply... Summer end to early summer prevent grubs about it peel the damaged area and see if there are recommended! Grey and has black splotches you miss this fall 's grubs question asked by a lot trouble... Signs will tell you that your lawn the hatching of eggs usually takes place two. Best course of action if you want your lawn to dry before everyone starts walking or playing on.! Waterlogged soils and to water your lawn to mid-July of plants and grass immediately. To confirm that the grubs feed from the beginning of August until late October Cucumber plants Yellow... Had pest issues the previous year made from late May as they prepare to pupate feel disturbed, they to., lawns should be mowed at 3 to 4 inches in height and properly fertilized for maximum root.! And a greening up or change its color to brown square foot wait to apply GrubEx? ’ is... Purchase a product and going a few parts of the Japanese beetle is similar... The ultimate choice of all the ingredients and focus on the label printed on highest...
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